Laboratory of Animal Microbiology


The microbial world includes all living organisms that can perform the basic function of life-metabolism, reproduction, and adaptation-as single celled creatures.  Our laboratory is interested in bacterial genetic engineering, bacterial flora and zoonotic diseases. It is well known there are the delicate balance between microbes and humans/animals. Animals are responsible for zoonoses.  Newly identified infectious threats are zoonoses meaning they have jumped the species barrier from animals to humans.  Animals such as non-human primates have been recognized as important reservoirs.  In general wild life and livestock serve as sentinels of human diseases.

Our goal of research and education is the production of healthy animals including humans.

Research subjects and key words

1. Bacteria –creators of the future (genetic engineering)

Key words: antibiotics, antibiotic-resistance, bacterial metabolism, transporter, gene cloning

2. Friends or friendly enemies –microbial flora in health and disease

Key words: lactic acid bacteria, flora, germ-free

3. Battle to control infectious diseases

Key words: zoonosis, vector, wildlife, innate immunity, antimicrobial peptides, such as BMAP28 and CAP18/LL-37.


Associated Professor  Hiroshi Yoneyama

Assistant Professor  Tasuke Ando

Techinical Assistant  Akiko Nishimura

Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ.

Laboratory o Animal Microbiology

Aoba468-1,Aramaki-Aza, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi, JAPAN 980-8572

Tel/Fax 022-757-4366

Welcome the microbial world

 The microbial world includes all living organisms that can perform the basic function of life-metabolism, reproduction, and adaptation-as single celled creatures.  Our laboratory is interested in bacterial genetic engineering, bacterial flora and zoonotic diseases. Our goal of research and education is the production of healthy animals including humans.