2006 研究室業績


  1. *Fujimoto R, Sugimura T, Nishio T (2006) Gene conversion from SLG to SRK resulting in self-compatibility in Brassica rapa. FEBS Lett. 580: 425-430

  2. *Fujimoto R, Okazaki K, Fukai E, Kusaba M, Nishio T (2006) Comparison of the genome structure of the self-incompatibility (S) locus in interspecific pairs of S haplotypes. Genetics 173: 1157-1167

  3. *Fujimoto R, Sugimura T, Fukai E, Nishio T (2006) Suppression of gene expression of a recessive SP11/SCR allele by an untranscribed SP11/SCR allele in Brassica self-incompatibility. Plant Mol. Biol. 61: 577-587

  4. *Fujimoto R, Sasaki T, Nishio T. (2006) Characterization of DNA methyltransferase genes in Brassica rapa. Genes Genet Syst.81: 235-42

  5. *Sato Y, Sato K, Nishio T (2006) Interspecific pairs of class II S haplotypes having different recognition specificities between Brassica oleracea and Brassica rapa. Plant Cell Physiol. 47: 340-345

  6. *Sato Y, Shirasawa K, Takahashi Y, Nishimura M, Nishio T (2006) Mutant selection of progeny of gamma-ray-irradicated rice by DNA heteroduplex cleavage using Brassica petiole extract.

  7. Breed. Sci. 56: 179-183
  8. *Shinada T, Kikuchi Y, Fujimoto R, Kishitani S An alloplasmic male-sterile line of Brassica oleracea harboring the mitochondria from Diplotaxis muralis expresses a novel chimeric open reading frame, orf72. Plant Cell Physiol. 47: 549-553

  9. *Shirasawa K, Shiokai S, Yamaguchi M, Kishitani S, Nishio T (2006) Dot-blot-SNP analysis for practical plant breeding and cultivar identification in rice. Theor. Appl. Genet.113: 147-155

  10. *Shirasawa K, Takabe T, Takabe T, Kishitani S (2006) Accumulation of glycinebetaine in rice plants that overexpress choline monooxygenase from spinach and evaluation of their tolerance to abiotic stress. Ann. Bot. 98: 565-571

  11. *Sato Y, Sato K, Nishio T Interspecific pairs of class-II S haplotypes having different recognition specificity between Brassica oleracea and Brassica rapa. Plant Cell Physiol. 47: 340-345


  • 第110回日本育種学会 (2006.9.22-24 愛媛大学)
    • 堀泰子、西尾剛
      新規イネwx alleleに挿入されているレトロトランスポゾン様配列の解析

    • 岡本俊介、小田島雅、西尾剛

    • 佐々木卓、藤本龍、岸谷幸枝、西尾剛
      Brassica rapaにおけるddm1 RNAi形質転換体の作出とDDM1のメチル化ターゲットの解析

    • 白澤健太、前田寛明、門奈理佐、岸谷幸枝、西尾剛

    • 宅野将平、藤本龍、西尾剛

    • 藤本龍、佐々木卓、品田智隆、西尾剛
      Brassica rapaddm1-RNAi形質転換体における低メチル化の遺伝について

    • 杉村哲、藤本龍、宅野将平、西尾剛
      Brassica rapaの自家和合性品種Yellow sarsonの起源Sハプロタイプの同定とS遺伝子座のゲノム構造の変異

  • 19th international congerss on Sexual Plant Reproduction. (11-15 July 2006 Budapest,Hungary)
    • *Shinada, T., Kikuchi, Y., Fujimoto, R., Kishitani, S.
      An alloplasmic male-sterile line of Brassica oleracea harboring the mitochondria from Diplotaxis muralis expresses a novel chimeric open reading frame, orf72

    • Fujimoto, R., Sugimura, T.,*Shinada, T., Nishio, T.
      Suppression of gene expression of a recessive SP11/SCR allele by an untranscribed SP11/SCR allele in Brassica self-incompatibility

  • 26th International Rice Research Conference
    • Shirasawa K, Maeda H, monna L, Kishitani S, Nishio T
      Screening and identification of single nucleotide polymorphism in gene regions of japonica rice [ポスター]

    • Hori Y, Nishio T
      DNA polymorphism analysis of the wx gene in Japanese glutinous rice cultivars [ポスター]

  • 第3回東北大学バイオサイエンスシンポジウム
    • 白澤健太、佐藤 豊、汐海沙知子、岸谷幸枝、西尾 剛

    • 汐海沙知子・西尾剛・遠藤貴司・山口誠之
      中国雲南イネ品種由来の強度耐冷性を有する系統における耐冷性遺伝子の解析 [ポスター]

  • 第1回 東北育種研究集会
    • 石丸洋次・北柴大泰・西尾剛
      Brassica 属の種間不和合性の解析とマッピングのためのDNA マーカー作成 [ポスター]

    • 前田寛明・白澤健太・岸谷幸枝・西尾剛
      日本型水稲間におけるSNPs 検出とその同定 [ポスター]

    • 高橋由信・佐藤豊・白澤健太・西村実・西尾剛
      イネの産地判別技術開発のためのサイレント突然変異体の選抜 [ポスター]

  • 植物の生殖過程におけるゲノム障壁 第1回ワークショップ
    • 品田智隆・北柴大泰・岸谷幸枝
      mur型細胞質雄性不稔性アブラナ科植物の不稔機構の解明と種分化との関係 [ポスター]

  • The 100th Anniversary of Tohoku University International Symposium Frontiers in Rice Science - From Gene to Field -
    • Shirasawa K, Nagano K, Kishitani S, Nishio T
      QTL analysis of rice grain quality under the high-temperature-stress condition in the grain filling period. [ポスター]

    • Maeda H, Shirasawa K, Kishitani S, Nishio T
      Detection and identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in japonica cultivars. [ポスター]

    • Shiokai S, Hori Y, Nishio T
      Mapping of a mutant gene for genic male sterility in rice. [ポスター]

    • Takahashih Y, Sato Y, Shirasawa K, Nishimura M, Nishio T
      Selection of silent mutants in rice for identification of production areas. [ポスター]

    • Hori Y, Nishio T
      A novel wx allele having non-autonomous retrotransposon-like sequence in its exon. [ポスター]