2001 研究室業績


  1. *Fukai E, Nishio T, Nasrallah ME (2001) Molecular genetic analysis of the candidate gene for MOD, a locus required for self-incompatibility in Brassica rapa. Mol. Genet. Genomics 265: 519-525.

  2. *Kitashiba H, Ota R, and Toriyama T (2001) Analyses of the genomic sequence and promoter activity of a gene for a protein similar to Tat binding protein isolated from Brassica rapa. Plant Biotech 18:33-38.

  3. *Nakagawa Y, Machida C, Machida Y, Toriyama K (2001) A system to induce the deletion of genomic sequences using R/RS site-specific recombination and the Ac transposon in transgenic rice plants. Theor Appl Genet 102:1136-1141.

  4. *Okada T, Toriyama K (2001) Pollen vegetative cell-specific expression of Bra r 1: useful tool for observation of the vegetative nucleus and identification of transgenic pollen by nuclear-targeted GFP. Sex Plant Reprod13: 301-307.


  • 日本育種学会(2001.10.7-8 九州大会)
    • *風間智彦・岡正明・鳥山欽哉

    • *岩崎杏・井手武・高岩文雄・鳥山欽哉
       形質転換イネ胚乳におけるスギ花粉アレルゲンCry j1の生産

    • *菊池洋介・岸谷幸枝
       Diplotaxis muralisの細胞質を持つBrassica oleracea雄性不稔系統におけるミトコンドリア遺伝子の発現の差異

    • *有泉亨・岸谷幸枝・稲継理恵・西田生郎・村田紀夫・鳥山欽哉

    • *佐藤豊・西尾剛
       PCR-RF-SSCPによるイネとキャベツのDNA 多型分析