2014 研究室業績


  1. Kitashiba H, Li F, Hirakawa H, Kawanabe T, Zou Z, Hasegawa Y, Tonosaki K, Shirasawa S, Fukushima A, Yokoi S, Takahata Y, Kakizaki T, Ishida M, Okamoto S, Sakamoto K, Shirasawa K, Tabata S, Nishio T (2014) Draft sequences of the radish (Raphanus sativus L.) genome. DNA Res. 21, 481-490 (2014)

  2. Yong H-Y, Zou Z, Kok E-P, Kwan B-H, Chow K, Nasu S, Nanzyo M, Kitashiba H, Nishio T, Comparative transcriptome analysis of leaves and roots in response to sudden increase in salinity in Brassica napus by RNA-seq. BioMed Res International Article ID 467395 (2014)

  3. Tonosaki K, Akaba M, Bang SW, Kitashiba H, Kaneko Y, Nishio T, The use of species-specific DNA markers for assessing alien chromosome transfer in Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea monosomic additions of Raphanus sativus. Mol. Breed. 34: 1301-1311 (2014)

  4. Isuzugawa K, Murayama H, Nishio T, Characterization of a giant-fruit mutant exhibiting fruit-limited polyploidization in pear (Pyrus communis L.). Scientia Hort 170: 196-202. (2014)

  5. Goto H, Asanome N, Suzuki K, Sano T, Saito H, Abe Y, Chuba M, Nishio T, Objective evaluation of whiteness of cooked rice and rice cakes using a portable spectrophotometer. Breed Sci 63: 489-494 (2014)

  6. Yamamoto M, Tantikanjana T, Nishio, T, Nasrallah ME, Nasrallah JB, Site-specific N-glycosylation of the S-locus receptor kinase and its role in the self-incompatibility response of the Brassicaceae. Plant Cell 26: 4749-4762 (2014)

  7. Shimizu M, Pu Z.J., Kawanabe T, Kitashiba H, Matsumoto S, Ebe Y, Sano M, Funaki T, Fukai E, Fujimoto R, Okazaki K. Map-based cloning of a candidate gene conferring Fusarium yellows resistance in Brassica oleracea. Theor Appl Genet 128: 119-130 (2014)


  1. 阿部美幸、伊藤豊彰、大串由紀江、大村道明、北柴大泰、齋藤雅典、中井裕、南条正己、西尾剛 菜の花サイエンス-津波塩害農地の復興- 東北大学出版会 (2014)  (土壌立地学、栽培植物学、環境システム生物学、フィールド社会技術学分野と連携)

  2. 江面浩・西尾剛、NBT(New Plant Breeding Techniques)の現状と未来への展望 育種学研究16:125-130 (2014)

  3. Zhang X, Lu G, Long W, Zou X, Li F, Nishio T, Recent progress on drought and salt tolerance studies in Brassica crops. Breed Sci 64: 60-73 (2014) Review

  4. Kitashiba H, Nasrallah J, Self-incompatibility in Brassicaceae crops: lessons for interspecific incompatibility. Breed Sci 64: 23-37 (2014) Review

  5. Yamamoto M, Nishio T, Commonalities and differences between Brassica and Arabidopsis self-incompatibility. Hort Res. 1: 14054 (2014) Review


  1. 山本雅也、Nasrallah June、アブラナ科植物の自家不和合性におけるSRKbのN結合型糖鎖修飾の役割の解析  日本育種学会第126回講演会シンポジウム(宮崎大学、9月26日、27日)

  2. 登内英美子、岡本俊介、坂本浩一、北柴大泰、西尾剛、日本と韓国で同定された ダイコン(Raphanus sativus L.)の S ハプロタイプの照合、第9回東北育種研究集会 (岩手大学、11月15日)

  3. 金子 育代、田口 久美子、高畑 義人、西尾 剛、北柴 大泰、Brassica rapa における小胞子胚形成関連遺伝子座上の候補遺伝子の多型および新たな候補領域の調査、第9回東北育種研究集会 (岩手大学、11月15日)

  4. ○Yong Hui-Yee, RNA-seq analysis of leaf and root transcripts altered in response to salinity stress in Brassica napus 19th Crucifer Genetics Workshop and Brassica 2014 (Wuhan, China, April. 1)