Access map

Access from Sendai AirPort

By taxi

Time: about 60 minutesFare: about ¥9,000

Sendai airport line

Sendai airport to Sendai station:Travel time: 25 minutes
Fare: ¥630
From Sendai station, please refer to “Access from JR Sendai station

Access from JR Sendai Station

By taxi

Time: about 15 minutes
Fare: about ¥1,000

Sendai City Subway (to Yagiyama-Zoological Park)

Get on the train bound for Yagiyama-Zoological Park Station, ride for 9 minutes to Aobayama Subway Station, then walk for 10 minutes after exiting the station.
Trains operate at 3 to 13 minute intervals
Refer to the Map of surrounding areas for directions after getting off the train.
Subway information is available at the Sendai City Subway website.
>>Sendai City Subway website

Map of surrounding areas

From Aobayama subway station

about 10 minutes.