Agricultural Economics
International Development Studies
In many Asian developing countries, the majority of the population is still dependent on agriculture. Agricultural and rural development is crucially important to create employment opportunity, to increase income and to supply food. The development is, however, constrained by the lack of technologies, investment capital, human capital, market institutions and many other development resources. Our objective is to undertake a comprehensive policy study for the development of agrarian economies in Asia. The analytical tools of development economics on agriculture are employed and empirical studies based on field research take high priority. The fruits of the area studies regarding Asian countries are expected to form our noetic basis. Our major research items are as follows;
1)Comparative analysis between Asian countries and Japan regarding agricultural and natural development policy
2)Economic development and its impact on factor markets in rural area of developing Asia
3)Distribution system or institutions of agricultural products market and the role of agribusinesses in Asian countries and Japan
4)Optimal resource use enabling sustainable agricultural and development in monsoon Asia
5)International cooperation for Asian countries, its system, theory and the role of Japan.

Asia, development, resource, food, agriculture, policy and institution, agribusiness