The 19th International Symposium on Integrated Field Science (IS-IFS)

The 19th International Symposium on Integrated Field Science (IS-IFS)
Trends and Prospects on the Policy for Rural Society and Farm Management-Comparative Research Between Asia and Africa

Date: February 8th, 2022 (Tuesday)
Venue: Online
Language: English
Participation fee: Free

Program content
At this symposium, three groups will be set up on the themes of rural society and agricultural management in Japan, Asia, and Africa, and researchers from Japan and abroad will discuss various policy issues in Asia and Africa. There will also be a young researcher session for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers. In the session of young researchers session, any research topic can be presented. We look forward to your participation.

Pre-registration is not required for online participation in the symposium. However, if you would like to make a presentation at the young researcher session, please apply to the person in charge as indicated below. Application for Presentation
If you would like to present, please let us know: 1) name, 2) affiliations and 3) your presentation title. We will send you the procedure for preparing the abstract (1 page). Please let us know as soon as possible as the number of presentations is limited by the program. Each presenter will have 10 minutes. The presenter will be asked to give a 7-minute presentation, with the remaining 3 minutes being Q & A. After all presentations, the commentator will make general remarks. The deadline for submitting the abstract is January 20th, 2022 (Thursday).

The Best Presentation Award
In this symposium, the “IS-IFS Best Presentation Award” will be awarded to an outstanding presentation in the Young Researchers’ Session.

Contacts for Application
MAGEZI Eustadius Francis,
Assistant Professor,
Laboratory of Field Science Technology for Society,
Graduate School of Agricultural Science.

Symposium Program
The symposium program can be accessed from the Graduate School of Agriculture website in late January 2022.