Name FUKASAWA Michiru
Position Associate Professor
Tel 0229-84-7376
Fax 0229-84-7376
Mail michiru.fukasawa.b4* (Please replace * with @)
Research Interest Livestock management, Livestock behaviour, Animal welfare
Career Education: B.S. Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku Univ. (1997), PhD (Agri.)(2002) Research Experience: Akita Prefecture(2002-2003), NARO (2003-2017), Assoc. Prof. Tohoku Univ. (2017-)
Research map
Research Projects
  1. Livestock management based on a good relationship between stockperson and cattle
    Stockpersons are one of the most influential factors in cattle management. When the relationship between the stockperson and cattle is poor, cattle will wildly react in response to management. In this situation, the presence of the manager becomes a stressor for the cattle, and its productivity will decrease. In our research, we are developing new husbandry techniques to establish a good stockperson-cattle relationship in order to make the cattle easier to handle and more accustomed to management.

  2. Animal welfare evaluation of cattle rearing environment by resting behavior and its posture
    Resting behaviour is an essential for animals to grow and recover. We are studying about the use of expression of cattle resting behaviour and posture for evaluating their mental and physical status under certain environment and management.
Research Seeds
  • Observation of sleep-like posture using accelerometer

    Sleep-like posture of cattle, which they bend their neck and head resting on flank, is considered to correspond to sleeping status. We have developed a method of measuring the expression of sleep-like posture using an accelerometer, and study about the effect of the environment and management on cattle sleep.