Name HOMMA Koki
Position Professor
Tel 022-757-4083
Fax 022-757-4087
Mail koki.homma.d6* (Please replace * with @)
Research Interest Agronomy, Crop Science
Career Education: B.S. Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ. (1995), PhD (Agri.)(2002) Research Experience: Assis. Prof., Kyoto Univ. (2004―2015), Prof., Tohoku Univ. (2015―)
Research map
Research Projects

1.Quantification of constraints factors of crop production in farmers’ fields

Crop productivity in farm fields is restricted by various factors such as soil, weeds, and pests. Although it is rather easy to point out such factors qualitatively, it is difficult to quantitatively evaluate how much the factors restrict. Accordingly, the research activities incorporate quantitative evaluation methods such as statistical models and remote sensing into farmers’ fields investigation to evaluate the constraints and to propose improvement methods.

2.Field experiments related to crop physiology and crop ecology

Field experiments have been conducted to elucidate the effects of individual factors of production constraints physiologically and ecologically. Salt damage and drought damage are typical topics, and the effects on root growth are being evaluated for example. One of the focused topics is the utilization of thermal infrared cameras to evaluate the condition of crops. The photo clearly shows the area damaged by pest.

3.Impact assessment using simulation model

The use of simulation models is effective for predicting the yield of cultivated crops and assessing the impact of climate change on crop productions. One of the major targets is rice: simulation model with utilizing remote sensing data has been developed to predict the yield; the yield forecasting under future climate has been conducted in collaboration with hydrologist.

Research Seeds