Name KATO Kazuhisa
Position Associate Professor
Tel 022-757-4093
Fax 022-757-4093
Mail kazuhisa.kato.d8* (Please replace * with @)
Research Interest Horticultural science
Career Education: B.S. Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku Univ. (2000), PhD (Agri.)(2005) Research Experience: Assis. Prof., Iwate Univ., Assoc. Prof., Iwate Univ. (2016―2017), Assoc. Prof., Tohoku Univ. (2017―),
Research map
Research Projects
  1. Research purpose

    We study on the production and quality improvement of horticultural crops (vegetables, fruits, and flowers). The main research purposes are as follows.

    1) Improve the quality of harvested products related to taste and functional components

    2) Develop technology to produce horticultural crops when harvesting is not possible

    3) Introduce new crops to promote horticulture in mesomountainous region

    4) Develop an environment-friendly cultivation method that keeps production costs down


    1) Improve the quality of harvested products related to taste and functional components

    2) Develop technology to control harvest time of horticulture products using their physiological and ecological characteristics

    3) Develop an environment-friendly cultivation method and keep production costs down


  2. Specific research content

    1) Study on metabolism of sugar and functional components using tomato introgression lines

    2) Study on the mechanism of juvenility in fruit trees

    3) Practical development of tropical fruit tree cultivation in plant factories

    4) Study on the effects of ozonated water on plant growth and development, and functional components using horticultural crops

Research Seeds

We evaluate the stress tolerance and the quality of horticultural crops.



Graduate School of Agriculture, Tohoku University has signed a partnership agreement with Katsurao Village, Fukushima prefecture since 2016. In November 2018, we built plant factories in Katsurao Village and started cultivation tests of tropical fruit trees. We had successfully harvest mango fruits,  and we held a tasting party on September 3, 2019. In 2021, they were provided for school lunch at Katsurao Village elementary and junior high school.