Name Kota MAMENO
Affiliation Laboratory of Environmental Economics, Department of Agricultural Economics
Position Assistant professor
Tel 0227-57-4184
Fax 0227-57-4185
Mail kota.mameno.d2* replace * with @)
Research Interest Environmental economics, Conservation social science, Conservation marketing, Wildlife management
Career Education: Ph.D. in Environmental resource science, Hokkaido Univ. (2021) Research Experience: Research assistant, Center for Environmental Biology and Ecosystem Studies, National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan
Research map
Research Projects

Social science research on invasive species management

Invasive non-native species (INNS) significantly contribute to biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation. However, since some INNS have been intentionally introduced to provide some benefits to people, multiple stakeholders’ support and understanding play an essential role in effective INNS management. Therefore, to avoid some conservation conflicts, I have evaluated their preferences and/or tolerance for INNS management by social science approaches such as environmental economics.

Conservation conflicts


Economic valuation of ecosystem services and biodiversity

Natural resources provide us with various benefits, such as “beautiful landscape,” “clean air,” and “wildlife habitats,”; however, some such benefits are not properly valued in the market. Therefore, I have quantitatively evaluated an economic valuation of ecosystem services and biodiversity as a monetary value. That can ensure that the value of ecosystem service is easily taken into account in decision-making related to the natural environment, such as climate change and eco-friendly agriculture actions.

Daisetsuzan National Park


Research Seeds

Developing a market mechanism making biodiversity and its conservation economic profits

Balancing food production and biodiversity conservation has become a major challenge around the world. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) require the conservation of ecosystems and water resources through environmentally friendly agricultural production (e.g., Goals 2, 6, and 15).

I am studying the market mechanisms associated with wildlife-friendly farming products in agricultural markets in order to develop the marketing methods and mechanisms which can promote conservation while maintaining a food supply by creating additional value for biodiversity.

Wildlife-friendly labeling chocolate