Name NAGASAWA Atsuhiko
Position Assistant Professor
Tel 022-757-4256
Fax 022-757-4257
Mail atsu.nagasawa* (Please replace * with @)
Research Interest Applied Entomology, Chemical Ecology, Host Selection of Phytophagous Insects
Career Education: B.S. Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku Univ. (1996), M.S. Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ. (1998), PhD (Agri.) Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ. (2017) Research Experience: Hokuriku Research Center, NARC, NARO (2005―2011), Assist. Prof., Tohoku Univ. (2011―)
Research map
Research Projects
  1. Host selection of phytophagous insects

    Phytophagous insects feed on specific plants. I study host plants for the insects, factors determining their host plants, and how to find their host plants.