Name | Kiyotaka NAKAGAWA |
Position | Professor |
Tel | +81-22-757-4416 |
Fax | +81-22-757-4417 |
kiyotaka.nakagawa.c1* replace * with @) | |
Research Interest | Food Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry |
Career | Education: B.S. Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku Univ. (1994), M.S. Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku Univ (1996), PhD (Agri.) (1999) Research Experience: JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (1998―2000), National Institute Post Doctoral Fellow (2001―2003), Assistant Prof., Tohoku Univ. (2003―2004), Associate Prof., Tohoku Univ. (2004―2016), Prof., Tohoku Univ. (2016―) |
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Research Projects | |
Since I was appointed as a professor in April 2016, I have been conducting research and education on lipid peroxidation with Associate Professor Eitsuka, Associate Professor Kato, Assistant Professor Ito, and Assistant Professor Otoki. In particular, we are trying to further improve the mass spectrometric way of lipid peroxidation and to complete a series of analytical techniques that can analyze lipid peroxides in detail at the isomeric level1). Using these techniques, we are investigating the relationship between lipid peroxidation and food deterioration/diseases2) and the further utilization of food ingredients to prevent these deterioration/diseases3). With regard to the utilization, our research focuses on the absorption and metabolism of food ingredients in vivo, as well as regulation of gene expression by them. For more information about 1), 2), and 3), please refer to the pages of Associate Professor Eitsuka, Associate Professor Kato, Assistant Professor Ito, and Assistant Professor Otoki.
Development of analytical techniques to analyze lipid peroxides at the isomeric level1)
Elucidation of the relationship between lipid peroxidation and food deterioration/diseases2)
Utilization of food ingredients for the prevention of food deterioration/diseases3) | |
Research Seeds | |