Name OGURA Shin-ichiro
Position Professor
Tel 022-757-4263
Fax 022-757-4263
Mail shin-ichiro.ogura.e1* replace * with @)
Research Interest Grassland Science, Feed Science, Animal Nutrition, Animal Behavior Science
Career Education: B.S. Faculty of Agriculture, Tohoku Univ. (1992), PhD (Agri.)(1997) Research Experience: JST Research Fellow (1997―1998), Assist. Prof., Miyazaki Univ. (1998―2003), Assoc. Prof. (2003―2016), Prof., Tohoku Univ. (2016―)
Research map
Research Projects

Main Theme: Creating sustainable land-based livestock production systems by building a better relationship between soil-plant-animal-human.

1. The effects of plant species diversity in pastures on livestock productivity and health.

2. The effects of long-term anthropogenic management of grassland on soil and vegetation.

3. Foraging mechanism of ruminants: dietary choice, digestion and metabolism

4. Dynamics of radiocesium in grasslands

5. Research on animal welfare of industrial animals

6. Research on ecology of wild animals inhabiting grassland and measures against animal damage