Name SAKAI Yoshifumi
Position Associate Professor
Tel 022-757-4453
Fax 022-757-4453
Mail yoshifumi.sakai.c7* replace * with @)
Research Interest Theoretical computer science, Algorithms
Career Education: D., Graduate School of Information Sciences, Tohoku Univ. (1995) Research Experience: Lecturer, Toyo Univ. (1995―2001), Assoc. Prof., Toyo Univ. (2001―2003), Assoc. Prof., Tohoku Univ. (2003―)
Research map
Research Projects
  1. Designing algorithms for string data comparison

    In biological research, comparing strings of characters is an essential process for analyzing the function of genes in individual organisms and the structure of populations in their habitats using genetic sequences. I am working on designing an algorithm (calculation procedure) to identify which element of one string corresponds to which element of the other string in a fast and efficient manner.

  2. Development of preprocessing methods for local analysis of string data

    When analyzing localized sections of long string data, the execution time of the analysis process for each section can be accelerated by preprocessing the entire string data and preparing a data structure that collects the intermediate results of the analysis process in progress. I am attempting to develop methods to achieve faster analysis processing with a small data structure.