Name San-Gun Roh
Position Professor
Tel +81-22-757-4122
Fax +81-22-757-4122
Mail sanggun.roh.a3* replace * with @)
Research Interest Ruminant Physiology. Metabolic Endocrinology
Career B.S. Faculty of Ag韓国ソウル大学校農業科学大学畜産学科卒業・同大学農業生命大学大学院修士課程(動物資源科学専攻)修了、岩手大学大学院連合農学研究科(生物生産科学専攻)博士課程修了、Prince Henry's Institute of Medical Research博士研究員、信州大学農学部准教授、2009年4月から准教授、2021年4月から現職
Research map
Research Projects
  1. Search for regulating factors coordinated with metabolic and endocrine network in ruminants
    The gastrointestinal tract recognizes food components and has an elaborate signal transduction mechanism that transmits information to various endocrine glands including the pituitary gland (GI tract-endocrine axis). In weaning ruminant, the diet changes from milk to solid feed, exposing the gastrointestinal tract to significant physical and chemical changes. We are currently studying how changes occur in the gastrointestinal function to respond to these changes and the endocrine function in response to changes in the dietary components ingested. In addition, we elucidated the regulatory mechanism of adipokine and hepatokine, which play important roles in lipid accumulation, glycolipid metabolism and endocrine network in domestic animals, and nutritional management of Japanese Black cattle and Dairy cows. We are conducting research to show a new direction for nutritional management and improvement of health. 
  2. Study on Rumen homeostasis and Rumen development
    Rumen, unlike monogastric animals such as humans and mice, are organs that play an important role in feed fermentation. Also, it is important to promote the development of rumens by proper nutrition and feeding management before and after weaning of calves. However, the detailed mechanism of the process of differentiation and formation of rumen papillae during the weaning has not been clarified. Little research has been done on the analysis of related genes involved in ruminant rumen (especially rumen epithelial tissue) development and the regulatory mechanism by extrinsic factors. Therefore, our group has investigated the functional roles of the candidate genes related to the growth and development of bovine rumen papillae using in bovine rumen papillae obtained under various feeding conditions (epigenetic control). These findings provide new scientific insights into the formation, proliferation, and growth of ruminant rumen papillae, appropriately facilitating the development of rumen function, and subsequently improving healthy growth and productivity.
Research Seeds
  • Applied technology for improving productivity and healthy using physiological and biological parameters in beef cattle and dairy cows

Using the physiological and biological parameter and information obtained during the suckling, weaning, growing, fattening, and lactation periods, and apply it to improve the productivity of meat production and lactation, disease prevention. In particular, we will develop basic technologies for productivity prediction and disease prevention by physiological parameters such as blood-derived metabolites and hormones with biological information obtained using non-invasive methods.

  • Development related with stabilization and homeostasis in rumen to improve the nutrition and metabolism of cattle

To identify the factors related to stability and homeostasis in rumen and develop applied techniques.