Volume 21
Journal of Integrated Field Science (JIFS) Volume 21
The 21th International Symposium on Integrated Field Science (21th IS-IFS) and the 4th International Conference
“Organic Rice Farming and Production Systems”
Mizuhiko NISHIDA
Preface to the 4th International Conference Organic Rice Farming and Production Systems and the 21th International Symposium of the Integrated Field Science Center
vol.21 p.1
Symposium mini review
Takeru KUSUDO and Atsushi TANAKA
The Prevalence of Organic Rice Production in Japan
vol.21 pp.2-5
Nalun PANPLUEM and Changbin YIN
The Evaluation Management of Organic Rice Production by Farmers in Yasothon Province, Thailand
vol.21 pp.6-12
Terufumi TADA, Masayuki KOBAYASHI, Katsuya IBUKI, Noritatsu SHIMODAIRA, Zenta IEDA, Jiro KURASHIMA, Nobuhiro MARUTA, Makoto MORI, Masaki HAYASHI, Mitsunao KUWADA, Koki HOMMA, Tatsuhiko SHIRAIWA and Takeshi HORIE
No Organic or Chemical Input Crop Production (NOChI-CP) and Activities of the NPO No Organic or Chemical Input Crop Production Research Group
vol.21 pp.13-17
Munif GHULAMAHDI, Sandra Arifin AZIZ, Iskandar LUBIS, Siti Maryam HARAHAP and YARTIWI
Reduction of Fe with Application of Saturated Soil Culture Technology and Biomass Ameliorant on Organic Rice Farming in Tidal Swamp
vol.21 pp.18-22
A. Haitami, Munif GHULAMAHDI, Anas Dinurrohman SUSILA, Didy SOPANDIE and Yulin LESTARI
Cropping Pattern Rice-Shallot-Soybean under Saturated Soil Culture in Tidal Swamp
vol.21 pp.23-26
Zhiduo ZHOU, Shoichiro HAMAMOTO, Munehide ISHIGURO and Junichi KASHIWAGI
Inter-tillage Weeding in Organic Rice Farming
vol.21 pp.27-29
Hiromi IMASU
The Challenges of Mechanical Weeding in Organic Rice Cultivation can be Mitigated by a Mechanical Inter-/Intra-Row Orthogonal Weeding Method
vol.21 pp.30-32
Denis LAIRON, Julia BAUDRY and Emmanuelle KESSE-GUYOT
Organic Food Consumption, a Step Forwards for More Sustainable and Healthy Habits: Key Findings of the French BioNutriNet Research Project
vol.21 pp.33-36
Matteo PETITTI, Giuseppe De SANTIS, Salvatore CECCARELLI, Rachele STENTELLA, Michele SALVAN, Bettina BUSSI, Riccardo BOCCI and Daniela PONZINI
Rice Diversity from Seed to Fork: A Living Lab for Organic Rice in Northern Italy
vol.21 pp.37-39
Shinji IWAISHI, Akira SUZUKI, Hidenori KANIE and Kentaro SAKAKIBARA
Challenges when spreading and expanding organic rice cultivation
vol.21 pp.40-45
ORP4 Scientific Committee
A Statement of the 4th International Symposium on Organic Rice Production System held on 4th – 7th September 2023 in Sendai, Japan
vol.21 pp.46-47
vol.21 pp.48-56
Oral Session
Session 1 Trends in organic rice production – Japan, South Korea, Thailand and France
Takeru KUSUDO and Atsushi TANAKA
The Prevalence of Organic Rice Production in Japan: An Overview from the Census of Agriculture and Forestry
vol.21 pp.57-58
Jongin KIM
Environment-friendly Rice Production and Consumption in Korea and Future Challenges
vol.21 p.59
Nalun PANPLUEM and Changbin YIN
The Evaluation Management of Organic Rice Production by Farmers in Yasothon Province, Thailand
vol.21 pp.60-61
Jean-Marc BARBIER, Jean Claude MOURET, Fanny BALMA, Isabelle MICHEL, Laure HOSSARD, Sylvestre DELMOTTE and Santiago LOPEZ-RIDAURA
Organic Rice Production in Camargue, France. A Resilience Glimpse in Turbulent Times
vol.21 pp.62-63
Session 2-1 Organic rice production: cropping and farming system
Hiroyuki TATENO
Organic Rice Cultivation Techniques by Utilizing Weeds
vol.21 p.64
Isabelle MICHEL, Jean-Claude MOURET, Laure HOSSARD, Marie-Jeanne VALONY, Fanny BALMA, Jean-Marc BARBIER, Santiago LOPEZ-RIDAURA and Charles-Henri MOULIN
The Role of Alfalfa in the Transition to Organic Rice Production on Farms in Camargue, France
vol.21 p.65
Terufumi TADA, Masayuki KOBAYASHI, Makoto MORI, Koki HOMMA and Tatsuhiko SHIRAIWA
Rice Yield and Harvest Index of Long-term Unfertilized and No-chemical Production
vol.21 p.66
The Organic Rice Production System in California
vol.21 p.67
João Batista Amadeo VOLKMANN
Perception of Living Forces in Rice Crops
vol.21 pp.68-69
Yashbir Singh SHIVAY, Dinesh KUMAR and K.S. REDDY
Effect of Nutrient Management Options on Productivity and Nutritional Quality of Organically grown Basmati Rice under the Long-term Experiment (20 Years) of Basmati Rice-wheat Cropping System
vol.21 pp.70-71
Session 2-2 Organic rice production: cropping and farming system
Weeding in Organic Dry Field Direct Seeding Using Aigamo ducks and Hawking
vol.21 pp.72-73
Mizuhiko NISHIDA, Ayako SASAKI and Yoshiki TOKONAMI
Effects of Introducing AigamoRobo to an Organic Paddy Field
vol.21 p.74
Margi Asih MAIMUNAH, Valensi KAUTSAR, Samuel M. KIMANI, Nanami SEKISHITA, Yuka HOSOGOE, Shinkichi TAKAMI, Keitaro TAWARAYA, Hideki MURAYAMA and Weiguo CHENG
Improving Rice Competitive to Weeds by Frequencies of Weeding in Japanese Organic Farming
vol.21 pp.75-76
A Proposal for New Weeds Control in Organic Paddy Fields
vol.21 p.77
Munif GHULAMAHDI, Sandra Arifin AZIS, Iskandar LUBIS, Siti Maryam HARAHAP and YARTIWI
Reduction of Fe with Application of Saturated Soil Culture Technology and Biomass Ameliorant on Organic Rice Farming in Tidal Swamp
vol.21 pp.78-79
Session 2-3 Organic rice production: cropping and farming system
Hiromi IMASU, Yoshiaki KAWANA, Takuo KOKURYU, Kazuya SASAHARA, Takahiro INUMAKI and Yuichi YAMADA
Establishment of the Organic Rice Cultivation System through Square-transplanting and Mechanical Inter-/Intra-row Orthogonal Weeding
vol.21 pp.80-81
Automatic Steering System Challenges Multiple Times Tilling Weeding
vol.21 pp.82-84
Special Topic
Denis LAIRON, Julia BAUDRY and Emmanuelle KESSE-GUYOT
Key findings of the French BIoNutriNet project on organic food-based diets and sustainability (diet, nutrition, health and environment)
vol.21 p.85
Session 3 Practices and participative research for development
Farmers’ Participatory On-farm Testing (FP-OFT) of Organic and Conventional Systems on Productivity, Soil and Grain Quality of Aromatic Rice in India
vol.21 pp.86-87
Matteo PETITTI, Giuseppe De SANTIS, Salvatore CECCARELLI, Rachele STENTELLA, Michele SALVAN, Bettina BUSSI, Riccardo BOCCI and Daniela PONZINI
Rice Diversity from Seed to Fork: A Living Lab for Organic Rice in Northern Italy
vol.21 pp.88-89
Research groups: Valentina VAGLIA, Jacopo BACENETTI, Francesca ORLANDO, Sumer ALALI, Elena PAGLIARINO and Stefano BOCCHI
Participatory Approach for Developing Knowledge on Organic Rice Farming in Italy
vol.21 p.90
Session 4 Agro-ecosystem, biodiversity, landscape
Naoki IIYAMA, Sachiyo INAI, Shigeo ISHIKAWA, Kenji KURIMOTO and Kazumasa HITAKA
Future Prospects from a Citizen Participatory Paddy Field Biodiversity Survey in Tokushima Prefecture – Toward a More Local Bottom-up Agrobiodiversity Monitoring Infrastructure
vol.21 pp.91-92
Weontai JEON
Current Status and Prospects of Weed Management Technology using Green Manure Crop Hairy Vetch and Golden Apple Snail in Paddy Soil in Korea
vol.21 p.93
Session 5 Scale shift towards mainstream organic production
Stéphane BELLON, Dominique DESCLAUX, Cécile DETANG-DESSENDRE, Françoise MEDALE and Servane PENVERN
Scalability of Organic Agriculture (OA): Insights from Europe
vol.21 pp.94-95
Palayamanan: A Holistic Approach for Sustainable Intensification and Diversification of Organic Rice-based Farming Systems for Smallholders in the Philippines
vol.21 p.96-97
Poster Session
Yoshihiro KOBAYASI, Hiroshi TSUYUZAKI, Yoshinobu USUMOTO, Jung Ishwor KUNWAR, Koji NISHIKAWA and Hidehiro INAGAKI
Evaluating the Effect of Multiple Intertillage Weeding on Rice Growth and Yield
vol.21 p.98
Nanami SEKISHITA, Shinkichi TAKAMI, Samuel M. KIMANI, Yuka HOSOGOE, Keitaro TAWARAYA and Weiguo CHENG
Effect of Surface Soil Disturbance by Hand Weeding on Organic Rice Cultivation in a New Constructed Rice Paddy During Three Consecutive Growing Seasons
vol.21 pp.99-100
Monrawee FUKUDA, Rio TAKAMA, Toshiyuki IMAIZUMI and Akira KOARAI
Mechanical Inter-/Intra-Row Weeding Effect in Rice Transplanted in Wide Square Pattern
vol.21 pp.101-102
Manami YABE, Misaki KANEKO, Hikaru NAKAMURA, Miki HUNADA, Kazuma KANEKO, Nanami SEKISITA, Yuka HOSOGOE, Keitaro TAWARAYA and Weiguo CHENG
Adaptability to Organic Cultivation and Weed Competitiveness among Rice Varieties Grown in the Shonai Region since the Meiji Era
vol.21 pp.103-104
Jean Yves DUKUZUMUREMYI, Christian NKURUNZIZA, Margi Asih MAIMUNAH, Yuka SASAKI, Murayama HEDEKI and Weiguo CHENG
High-yielding Cultivar “Takanari” Shown over Competition to Koshihikari” on Nitrogen Absorption and Biomass Production under Natural Rice Farming
vol.21 pp.105-106
Guglielmo SAVOIN, Valentina VAGLIA, Fosco VESELY and Stefano BOCCHI
Innovation of Products and Varieties for Organic Rice Production: a Ph.D. project
vol.21 pp.107-108
Geeta SINGH and Manoj MENAPADI
Microbiological Basis of Soil Carbon Sequestration in Organic Rice Production in India
vol.21 p.109
Yoshinori WATANABE and Nobuhiro KANEKO
Nitrogen Situation and Carbon Accumulation in No-tillage with Weed Mulch Paddy Field
vol.21 p.110
Takumi HASEGAWA, Ryosuke TAJIMA and Mizuhiko NISHIDA
Root Dynamics in Organic Rice Farming in Comparison with Conventional Farming
vol.21 p.111
Dinesh KUMAR and Y. S. SHIVAY
Long-term Effects (20 years) of Cropping Systems and Nutrient Management Practices on Grain Yield of Organic-grown Basmati Rice and Soil Fertility
vol.21 pp.112-113
Cropping Pattern Rice-Shallot-Soybean under Saturated Soil Culture in Tidal Swamp
vol.21 pp.114-115
Andrea BRESCIANI, Francesca SAITTA, Valentina VAGLIA, Dimitrios FESSAS, Maria Cristina CASIRAGHI, Daniela ERBA, Maria Ambrogina PAGANI, Stefano BOCCHI and Alessandra MARTI
Evaluation of Differences in Physical Properties, Cooking Behaviour and Starch Digestibility of Different Rice Varieties Associated Also to Management Strategies
vol.21 pp.116-117
Minyu SUN, Hidetoshi ASAI, Aung Zaw OO, Toshiyuki TAKAI and Koki HOMMA
Effects of Salinity on Yield and Grain Antioxidant Contents of Black Rice
vol.21 p.118
Sumer ALALI, Valentina VAGLIA, Gianni GILIOLI and Stefano BOCCHI
How Organic Rice Farming Impacts the Biodiversity: A Case Study of the Rice Paddies in North Italy
vol.21 pp.119-120
Michele SALVAN, Giuseppe DESANTIS, Matteo PETITTI, Daniela PONZINI, Rachele STENTELLA, Riccardo BOCCI, Irene PICCINI and Simona BONELLI
Natural Biodiversity Promotion in Diversified Organic Rice Farming Systems in Northern Italy
vol.21 pp.121-122
Naomi ASAGI, Takatoki KAKU, Koki MUTO, Jun SUGAI, Naoya TAKASHIMA and Masakazu KOMATSUZAKI
Development of Organic Rice Paddy Cultivation Techniques Using Paddy Field Ecosystems ― Effects of Cover Crop and Puddling on Weeds and Paddy Rice ―
vol.21 p.123
Ryosuke TAJIMA, Takumi HASEGAWA, Naoto NEMOTO, Fumihiko SAKURADA, Kazunori AKITA, Toru UNO, Kazumi SUZUKI, Ito TOYOAKI, Masanori SAITO and Mizuhiko NISHIDA
Field Experiment of Organic Rice Farming in Field Science Center, Tohoku University over Ten Years
vol.21 p.124
The Revival of Sustainable (Upland) Rice Cultivation in Reunion Island (France, Indian Ocean)
vol.21 pp.125-126
Success Story of Equipping Stake Holders of Naturally Organic Saline Prone Sea Coastal Wetland Ecosystem of Kerala Through Research and Development Interventions
vol.21 p.127
List of scientific papers in 2023 published by field science group in Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
vol.21 pp.128-132