Plant Science
Environmental Plant Biotechnology
Study of gene function and production of genetically modified plants employing various biotechnology
We have been studying plant functions associated with environmental adaptation and biotechnological application to agriculture, especially molecular mechanisms concerning plant productivity and breakthrough of molecular farming, to solve the global problems of food and energy shortages, as well as environmental threats. We are now focusing on the following projects in rice.
- Molecular analysis of pollen development in conjunction with mitochondria exemplified by cytoplasmic male-sterility and fertility restoration.
- Molecular breeding of transgenic plants with novel characteristics and their biotechnological and environmental studies.
- Development of novel plant biotechnological techniques.
- The research aims to explore the field of plant cell agriculture for food production using cell culture techniques.
A top photo is a mascot character of our laboratory, Oh-Kome-chan, which represents a rice grain and DNA double helix. Oh-Kome-chan means “rice-child” in Japanese.
Biotechnology, rice, transgenic plants, genome editing, analysis of gene function