1997 研究室業績


  1. Abe F, Kitashiba H, Kishitani S and Toriyama K. (1997) Isolation of a cDNA clone encoding the alternative oxidase expressed in rice anthers.Sex. Plant Reprod. 10: 374-375.

  2. Iida S, Kusaba M and Nishio T. (1997) Mutants lacking glutelin subunits in rice : mapping and combination of mutated glutelin genes. Theor. Appl. Genet. 94:177-183

  3. Kitashiba H and Toriyama K. (1997) Expression of a gene for a protein similar to HIV-1 Tat binding protein 1 (TBP1) in floral organs of Brassica rapa. Plant Cell Physiol. 38: 966-969.

  4. Kusaba M, Nishio T, Satta Y, Hinata K and Ockendon D. (1997) Striking sequence similarity in inter- and intra-specific comparisons of class I SLG alleles from Brassica oleracea and Brassica campestris : Implications for the evolution and recognition mechanism. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94: 7673-7678.

  5. Matuda N, Kishitani S and Toriyama K. (1997) Antisense and sense CHS cDNA expressed by a tapetum-spacific promoter causes partial male sterility in transgenic tobacco. Plant Biotech. 14: 157-161.

  6. Nishio T, Kusaba M, Sakamoto K and Ockendon D. (1997) Polymorphism of the kinase domain of the S-locus receptor kinase gene (SRK) in Brassica oleracea L. Theor. Appl. Genet. 95: 335-342.

  7. Sassa H, Hirano H, Nishio T and Koba T. (1997) Style-specific self-compatible mutation is caused by deletion of the S-ribonuclease gene in Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina). Plant J 12: 223-227.

  8. Suzuki G, Watanabe M and Hinata K. (1997) Molecular genetics of self-incompatibility in Brassica. Recent Reseach Developments in Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 1: 235-242.

  9. Suzuki G, Watanabe M, Isogai A and Hinata K. (1997) Highly conserved 5'-flanking regions of two self-incompatibility genes, SLG9 and SRK9. Gene 191: 123-126.

  10. Suzuki G, Watanabe M, Kai N, Matsuda N, Toriyama K, Takayama S, Isogai A and Hinata K (1997) Three members of the S-multigene family are linked to the S locus of Brassica. Mol. Gen. Genet. 256: 257-264.

  11. Suzuki G, Watanabe M, Toriyama K, Isogai A and Hinata K. (1997) Direct cloning of the Brassica S locus by using a P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) vector. Gene 199: 133-137.

  12. Toriyama K, Hanaoka K, Okada T and Watanabe M. (1998) Molecular cloning of a cDNA encoding a pollen extracellular protein as a potential source of a pollenallergen in Brassica rapa. FEBS Lett. 424: 234-238.

  13. Watanabe M, Ono T, Hatakeyama K, Takayama S, Isogai A and Hinata K. (1997) Molecular characterization of SLG and S-related genes in a self-compatible Brassica campestris L. vaar. yellow sarson. Sex. Plant Reprod. 10:332-340.

  14. Yokoi S, Tsuchiya T, Toriyama K and Hinata K. (1997) Tapetum-specific expression of the Osg6B promoter-b-glucuronidase gene in transgenic rice. Plant Cell Rep. 16: 363-367.


  • 日本農学大会(日本農学賞受賞者講演:1997. 4.5)
    • 日向康吉

  • 日本植物細胞分子生物学会公開シンポジウム(1997. 7.19.熊本)
    • 日向康吉

  • American Society of Plant Physiologists, Annual Meeting, 1997(1997.8.2-6 in Vancouver)
    • Watanabe M, Suzuki G, Matsushita M, Takayama S, Isogai A and Hinata K.
       Molecular characterization of SLG and SRK genes of self-incompatible Brassica campestris L.

    • Miyahara K, Takano T, KusabaM, Iida S, Sassa H, Takaiwa F and Nishio T.
       GluB gene expression is differentially expressed in LGC-1 mutant

  • 5th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology (1997.9.21-27 in Singapore)
    • Hatakeyama K, Takasaki T, Watanabe M, and Hinata K.
       Molecular cloning of S locus genes in a pollen-recessive self-incompatibility haplotype of Brassica rapa L.

    • Kitashiba H, Kitazawa E, Kishitani S and Toriyama K.
       Partial male sterility in transgenic tobacco carrying an antisense gene for alternative oxidase under the control of a tapetum-specific promoter.

    • Kusaba M and Nishio T.
       SLG and S domain of SRK are not highly similar in some S haplotypes of Brassica.

    • Okada T, Watanabe M and Toriyama K.
       Immunolocalization of Bra r 1, anther-specific Ca2+-binding protein, in Brassica pollen.

    • Suzuki G, Watanabe M, Kai N, Matsuda N, Toriyama K, Takayama S, Isogai A and Hinata K.
       Three repeated members of the S-multigene family in self-incompatible Brassica campestris.

    • Yokoi S, Higashi S, Kishitani S, Toriyama K and Murata N.
       Introduction of Arabidopsis AT1 confers unsaturation of fatty acids and chilling tolerance of photosynthesis in rice.

  • 日本育種学会(1997.10. 鳥取大会)
    • 安倍史高・北柴大泰・岸谷幸枝・鳥山欽哉
       イネの葯で発現するAlternative oxidase 遺伝子のcDNA クローニング

    • 岡崎桂一・草場信・西尾剛
       Brassica oleracea L.のSテスターラインにおけるSLGの多型

    • 岡田崇・渡辺正夫・鳥山欽哉
       葯特異的カルシウム結合タンパク質Bra r 1の局在と花粉管伸長への関与

    • 甲斐直子・鈴木剛・磯貝彰・渡辺正夫・日向康吉
       自家不和合性Brassica campestrisにおけるS多重遺伝子族の連鎖解析

    • 草場信・西尾剛

    • 坂本浩司・草場信・西尾剛

    • 鈴木美日子・岸谷幸枝・高浪タカ子・横井修司・高倍鉄子
       オオムギのBADH cDNAを導入した形質転換体イネの作出とそのストレス耐性の評価

    • 鈴木剛・渡辺正夫・甲斐直子・鳥山欽哉・磯貝彰・日向康吉
       アブラナ科自家不和合性遺伝子SLG・SRKを含む74 kb断片の人工染色体へのクローニング

    • 横井修司・東正一・岸谷幸枝・鳥山欽哉・村田紀夫
       シロイヌナズナAT1遺伝子を導入したイネにおける脂肪酸の不飽和化と光合成能力 の低温耐性

    • 渡辺正夫・鈴木剛・鳥山欽哉・高山誠司・磯貝彰・日向康吉
       自家不和合性Brassica campestrisにおけるSLG9の下流に存在し、葯で発現している遺伝子について

  • Japan-France workshop ( 1997.11.5-6 in Tsukuba)
    • Suzuki G, Watanabe M, Kai N, Toriyama K, Isogai A, Hinata K.
       Three clustered S-related genes are linked to the S locus of Brassica.

    • Watanabe M, Suzuki G, Kai N, Takayama S, Isogai A, Hinata K.
       Molecular characterization of S-multigene family of self-incompatible Brassica campestris L.

  • 第12回「大学と科学」公開シンポジウム・植物の生長 (1997.11.16)
    • 日向康吉