International Education and Research Center for Food and Agricultural Immunology

About us

About us

The world’s first international education and research center established in April 2015, specializing “Food and Agricultural Immunology” in a fusion research area has been launched the second five-year period from April 2020 taken over the first period. Our units were progressively reconstructed with cross-disciplinary research in “Medical and Agricultural Immunology”, and next generation bio-agricultural science by Synchrotron Radiation to contribute as a leader in the world to develop the next-generation techniques to produce safe and functional food via global education and research on Food and Agricultural Immunology.   Goals

  1. To establish a new academic field of “agricultural immunology” via cross-disciplinary research on immunology and agronomy, namely crops, livestock, and marine products.
  2. To set up a system to produce crops, livestock, and marine products that does not rely solely on drugs. Additionally, to develop systems to evaluate the safety and functionality of food as well as perform diagnosis in terms of physical and social sciences.
  3. To contribute to the globalization of Tohoku University by training young researchers who will take next-generation research techniques forward, in the fields of agricultural immunology and food science.
  4. To commercially apply the new food systems thus developed in the field, thereby contributing to public health and longevity.