研究業績(木島 明博)

原著論文 | 著書・総説 | 総説 | その他(学術報告書を含む)


  1. Kijima,A. and Y.Fujio (1977) Genetic control of isocitrate dehydrogenase isozymes in chum salmon. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 28(2):96-102.
  2. 木島明博・藤尾芳久(1979)シロサケ集団におけるIDHおよびLDHアイソザイムの地理的分布.日本水産学会誌, 45(3):287-295.
  3. 木島明博・網田健次郎・能勢幸雄(1980)シロサケの移植効果について.水産育種, 5:7-12
  4. Kijima,A. and Y.Fujio(1980)Duplicated isozyme loci in chum salmon. Tohoku J. Agri. Res.,31(3):159-172.
  5. 木島明博・藤尾芳久(1981)北海道におけるシロサケの河川集団の遺伝的組成.水産育種, 6:40-43.
  6. 木島明博(1981)シロサケの河川集団の遺伝的組成におよぼす移植の効果.水産育種, 6:44-45.
  7. 原 素之・木島明博・藤尾芳久(1982)サンマ群のアイソザイムによる集団遺伝学的研究.東北区水研報, 45:1-17.
  8. 原 素之・木島明博・藤尾芳久(1982)日本近海および沖合に分布するサンマ群の集団構造に関する遺伝学的研究.東北区水研報, 45:19-32.
  9. Kijima,A. and Y.Fujio (1982) Correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance in populations of chun salmon Oncorhynchus keta. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish., 48(12):1703-1709.
  10. 木島明博・原 素之・藤尾芳久(1984)サンマ群の集団構造および回遊経路についての遺伝学的研究.東北区水研報,46:39-51.
  11. Kijima,A., K.Mori and Y.Fujio (1984) Population differences in gene frequency of the Japanese scallop Patinopecten yessoensis on the Okhotsk sea coast of Hokkaido.Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish., 50(2):241-248.
  12. 木島明博・中村雅彦・藤尾芳久 (1984) シロサケの河川遡上数と遺伝子頻度の年変化.水産育種, 9:20-26.
  13. Kijima,A. and Y.Fujio (1984) Relationship between average heterozygosity and river population size in chum salmon. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish., 50(4):603-608.
  14. 木島明博・谷口順彦・牧野 宏・落合 明 (1985) マアジの遺伝的分化と繁殖構造.高知大・海洋生物研報., 7:49-60.
  15. Taniguchi,N., A.Kijima, J.Fukai and Y.Inada (1986) Conditions to induce triploid and gynogenetic diploid in ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Bull. Japan. Soc. Sci. Fish., 52(1):49-53.
  16. Kijima,A., N.Taniguchi and A.Ochiai (1986) Genetic relationships in the family Carangidae. Proc. Secd. Intl. Conf. Indo-Pacific Fishes, pp.840-848.
  17. Kijima,A., N.Taniguchi and A.Ochiai (1986) Genetic divergence and morphological difference between the spotted and common mackerel. Jap. J. Ichthyol., 33(2):151-161.
  18. Taniguchi,N., A.Kijima, T.Tamura, K.Takegami and I.Yamasaki (1986) Color, growth and maturation in ploidy manipulated fancy carp. Aquaculture, 57:321-328.
  19. Taniguchi,N., A.Kijima and J.Fukai (1987) High heterozygosity at Gpi-1 in gynogenetic diploids and triploids of ayu Plecoglossus altivelis. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi., 53(5):717-720.
  20. 木島明博・谷口順彦・森 直樹・萩原寿太郎 (1987) アサリの遺伝的変異と繁殖構造.高知大・海洋生物研究報., 9:173-181.
  21. 木島明博・梅田 尚・藤尾芳久 (1988) リンゴガイの塩分耐性における系統差.水産育種, 13:35-38.
  22. Kijima,A., N.Taniguchi and A.Ochiai (1988) Genetic divergence and relationship among fifteen species of genera Trachurus, Decapterus, Selar and Selaroides. Jap. J. Ichthyol., 35(2):167-175.
  23. Taniguchi,N., S.Seki, J.Fukai and A.Kijima (1988) Induction of two types of gynogenetic diploids by hydrostatic pressure shock and verification by genetic marker in ayu. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 54(9):1483-1491.
  24. Fidhiany,L., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1988) Genetic divergence between two types in Palaemon paucidens. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 39(1):39-45.
  25. 尾庭きよ子・木島明博 (1988) 海産二枚貝類の種間における遺伝的距離.水産育種, 14:27-32.
  26. Fidhiany,L., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1989) Trait differences among localities in Palaemon paucidens. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 40(1-2):9-18.
  27. Daud,S.K., I.Patimah and A.Kijima (1989) Genetic variability and relationships among four species of freshwater catfish. Malays. Appl. Biol., 18(1):23-31.
  28. Patimah,I., S.K,Daud and A.Kijima (1989) Genetic control of isozymes in the four catfish species. Malays. Appl. Biol., 18(1):23-31.
  29. ルシアフィジアニ・木島明博 (1990) 淡水産スジエビの2型の形態による差異.水産育種, 15:45-50.
  30. 木島明博・谷口順彦・板東喜久雄・向井龍男 (1990) アルカリ処理法によるウナギ、コイ、アユのミトコンドリアDNA(mtDNA)の単離と塩基対数の推定.水産育種, 15:51-57.
  31. Fidhiany,L., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1990) Premating and postmating isolation among local populations of freshwater shrimp Palaemon paucidens in Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 56(9):1407-1411.
  32. Kijima,A. and Y.Fujio (1990) Genetic analysis of population structure in marine teleosts around Japan. "Isozymes: Structure, Function, and Use in Biology and Medicine", eds by Z.Ogita and C.L.Markert, pp.177-206, Wiley-Liss,Inc.,N.Y.
  33. Park,J-Y., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1990) Genetic differentiation and variability between and within brown sole and marbled sole in the genus Limanda. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 41(1-2):9-23.
  34. Brand,E. and A.Kijima (1990) Comparison of genetic makers between the Chilean scallop Argopecten purpuratus and the Japanese scallop Patinopecten yessoensis. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 41(1-2):25-35.
  35. 小林正裕・木島明博・藤尾芳久 (1991) エゾアワビの量的形質の把握とその特徴.水産育種, 16:33-41.
  36. Nakajima,M., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1991) Difference of average standard length in heterozygous or homozygous individuals at the isozymic loci in cultured stoks of rainbow trout in Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 57(6):1035-1041.
  37. Park,J-Y. and A.Kijima (1991) Genetic variability and differentiation within and between the stone flounder (Kareius bicoloratus)and the starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus). Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 41(3-4):69-82
  38. Fidhiany,L., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1991) Adult salinity tolerance and larval salinity requirement of the freshwater shrimp Palaemon paucidens in Japan. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 42(1-2)17-24.
  39. Park,J-Y. and A.kijima (1991) Estimation of interspecific gene differences among pleuronectid species with a minimum number of isozymic loci. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 42(1-2):33-54.
  40. 小林正裕・木島明博・藤尾芳久 (1992) 日本沿岸におけるアワビの量的形質の地理的勾配.水産育種, 17:39-48.
  41. Kijima,A. (1992) Effect of UV irradiation on genetic inactivation of sperm using marketing tissue culture petri-dish in the Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai.Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 42(3-4):73-81.
  42. Kijima,A., M.Nakajima and Y.Fujio (1992) Genetic differentiation among localities in the natural Pacific herring around Japan and genetic characterization of the artificial seeds compared with the natural population. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 42(3-4):83-93.
  43. Ikeda,M., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1992) Genetic divergence between two subspecies in Paratya compressa (Decapoda:Atyidae). Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 58(5):819-824.
  44. Kijima,A. and D.Matunami (1992) Haplotypic differences and variability of mitochondrial DNA among the cultured stocks of masu salmon complex. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 58(8):1431-1436.
  45. 木島明博・池田実・藤尾芳久 (1992) アイソザイムからみたエゾアワビ人工種苗の遺伝的特徴.水産育種, 18:53-63.
  46. 佐藤千夏子・木島明博 (1992) ヤマトゴイにおけるミトコンドリアDNA(mtDNA)の制限酵素切断地図.水産育種, 18:73-82.
  47. Irawan,B., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1993) Genetic divergence among the three species of estuarine crab, Helice tridens, H. japonica and Chiromantes dehaani (Sesarminae, Grapsidae; Decapoda). Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 43(3-4):101-110.
  48. Ikeda,M., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1993) Genetic differentiation among local populations of common freshwater shrimp Paratya compressa improvisa. Japan. J. Genet., 68(4):293-302.
  49. 池田実・木島明博・藤尾芳久 (1993) スジエビBタイプにおける地域集団の遺伝的分化.水産育種, 19:21-27.
  50. Irawan,B. and A.Kijima (1994) Difference of salinity requirements among the three estuarine crab specis, Chiromantes dehaani, Helice tridens and H. japonica (Brachyura:Grapsidae). Tohoku. J. Agri. Res., 44(1-4):39-47.
  51. Irawan,B. and A.Kijima (1994) Degree of genetic differentiation among different river populations in two estuarine crabs, Helice tridens and Chiromantes dehaani. Tohoku. J. Agri. Res., 44(1-4):49-57.
  52. Brand E., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1994) Shell color polymorphism and growth in the Japanese scallop, Patinopecten yessoensis. Tohoku. J. Agri. Res., 44(1-4):67-76.
  53. Ikeda,M., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1994) Sexual dimorphism of the last thoracic sternal plate in Paratya compressa (Decapoda: Atyidae). Benthos Research, 47:37-39.
  54. Oniwa,K., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1994) Relationship between genetic variability and quantitative traits in the Japanese scallop, Patinopecten yessoensis. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 45(1-2):1-10.
  55. 池田実・干川裕・木島明博 (1994) カムチャッカアワビとエゾアワビの遺伝的差異.水産育種, 20:17-23.
  56. 千田康司・木島明博 (1994) 色彩色差計によるサクラマスのスモルト化の定量的測定法について.水産育種, 20:55-61.
  57. Iked,M., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1994) Different expression in MDH isozymes among local populations in freshwater shrimp, Paratya compressa (Decapoda: Atyidae). Japan. J. Genet., 69(6):679-684.
  58. Ikeda,M., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1995) Electrophoretic evidence of two types in the common freshwater shrimp Paratya compressa compressa (Decapoda: Atyidae). Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 45(3-4):69-77.
  59. 千田康司・上田賢一・木島明博 (1995) 電照で誘導したスモルトギンザケの形態的・生理的特徴について.宮城県内水試研究報告, 2:43-47.
  60. 古殿太郎・木島明博・藤尾芳久 (1995) エゾアワビ天然集団と人工種苗の量的形質と質的形質における遺伝的差異.水産育種, 22:31-37.Genetic differences in quantitative and qualitative traits of natural and artificial seed of the Pacific abalone. Fish Genet. Breed. Sci., 22:31-37.
  61. 木島明博・古殿太郎・藤尾芳久 (1995) エゾアワビ天然集団における身入りの変異性と遺伝的変異性.水産育種, 22:39-44. Genetic variability and quantitative traits in the Pacific abalone. Fish Genet. Breed. Sci.,22:39-44.
  62. Nakajima,M., D.Ando, A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1996) Heritability of vertebral number in the coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 47(1-2):29-36. 64. Ikeda,M., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1996) Genetic and morphological analysis of geographic differentiation in Japanese common freshwater shrimp, Paratya compressa (Decapoda: Atyidae). Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 47(1-2):37-45.
  63. 池田 実・橋本大樹・木島明博・藤尾芳久 (1996) RAPD-PCR法によるギンザケ養殖集団の遺伝的変異性.水産育種, 23:51-58.
  64. 木島明博・劉思陽・谷口順彦・藤尾芳久 (1996) カレイ目魚類におけるアイソザイム遺伝子の多型の維持について.水産育種, 23:85-93.
  65. Takase,T., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1997) Genetic polymorphism and isozyme patterns of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase in gold fish and crucian carp. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 47(3-4):67-75. 68. 木島明博・古殿太郎・河原郁恵・野呂忠勝・大森正明・藤尾芳久 (1997) 交配実験によるエゾアワビのアイソザイムの遺伝様式とヌル遺伝子の推定.水産育種, 25:73-80.  Kijima,A., T.Furutono, I.Kawahara, T.Noro, M.Omori and Y.Fujio(1997) A mode of inheritance for isozymic variation and detection of a null allele at Pgm-1 and Pgm-2 loci in the Pacific abalone by mating experiment. Fish Genet. Breed. Sci., 25:73-80.
  66. 河原郁恵・野呂忠勝・大森正明・支倉理・木島明博(1997)種苗生産施設で選抜されたエゾアワビの成長に対する選択効果.水産育種, 25:81-90. Kawahara,I., T.Noro, M.Omori, O.Hasekura and A.Kijima (1997) Genetic progress for growth in different selected populations of abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, at different hatcheries. Fish Genet. Breed. Sci., 25:81-90.
  67. Takano,M., M.Ikeda and A.Kijima (1997) Biochemical and morphological evidence of two sympatric forms, interpreted as sibling specis, in the estuarine grapsid crab Hemigrapsus penicillatus (De Haan). Benthos Reserch, 52(2):111-117.
  68. Takase,T., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1998) Detection of heat stability variants in GPI isozymes of goldfish and crucian carp. Fisheries Science, 64(1):31-34.
  69. 木島明博・伊藤慎一・飯塚晃朗・長谷川新・上田賢一 (1998) 交配実験によるキンブナの長尾型変異の遺伝支配.水産育種, 26:1-7.
    Kijima, A., S.Ito, T.Iizuka, S.Hasegawa and K.Ueda (1998) Genetic control of the long caudal fin type in wild crucian carp by mating experiments. Fish Genet. Breed. Sci., 26:1-7.
  70. 後藤裕康・前田泰宏・木島明博 (1998) アイソザイムからみた大井川源流域におけるイワナ2河川集団の遺伝的差異.水産育種, 26:41-47.
    Goto, H., Y. Maeda and A.Kijima (1998) Genetic difference between two streams of Ohigawa river at the two isozymic loci in Yamato-iwana, Salvelinus leucomaenis. Fish Genet. Breed. Sci., 26:41-47. 74. Hoshikawa,H., Y.Sakai and A.Kijima (1998) Growth characteristics of the hybrid between pinto abalone, Haliotis kamtschatkana Jonas, and ezo abalone, H. discuss hannai Ino, under high and low temperature. J. Shellfish Res., 17(3):673-677.
  71. Li,Q., M.Osada, M.Kashihara, K.Hirohashi and A.Kijima (1999) Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on genetical inactivation and morphological structure of sperm of the Pacific abalone Haliotis discuss hannai. Tohoku J.Agri.Res., 50(1,2):1-10.
  72. Li,Q., M.Osada, M.Kashihara, K.Hirohashi and A.Kijima (1999) Artificially induced gynogenetic diploid in the Pacific abalone Haliotis discuss hannai. Fish Genet. Breed. Sci., 28:85-94.
  73. 河原郁恵・野呂忠勝・大森正明・木島明博(1999)エゾアワビ稚貝期の成長に関する遺伝率の推定.水産育種,28:95-103.
    Kawahara,I., T.Noro, M.Omori and A.Kijima (1999) Estimation of heritability for juvenile growth rate in the abalone, Haliotis discus hannai INO. Fish. Genet. Breed. Sci., 28:95-103.
  74. 高瀬丈晴・木島明博・藤尾芳久 (1999) キンブナの自然集団におけるPGMアイソザイム遺伝子と連鎖した致死遺伝子の推定. 水産育種, 28:105-111.
    Takase,T., A.Kijima and Y.Fujio (1999) Detection of a recessive lethal gene linked with the PGM isozyme gene in natural population of crucian carp. Fish. Genet. Breed. Sci., 28:105-111.
  75. Li,Q., M.Osada, M.Kashihara, K.Hirohashi and A.Kijima (2000) Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on genetical inactivation and morphological features of sperm of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Fisheries Science, 66(1): 91-96.
  76. Li,Q., M.Osada, M.Kashihara, K.Hirohashi and A.Kijima (2000) Meiotic maturation, fertilization and effect of ultraviolet irradiation on the fertilizing sperm in the Japanese scallop. Fisheries Science, 66(2): 403-405.
  77. Li,Q., M.Osada, M.Kashihara, K.Hirohashi and A.Kijima (2000) Induction of gynogenetic diploids and cytological studies in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. SUISANZOSHOKU, 48(2):185-191.
  78. Li,Q., M.Osada, M.Kashihara, K.Hirohashi and A.Kijima (2000) Cytological observation on nuclear behavior in normal and gynogenetic eggs of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. SUISANZOSHOKU, 48(2):193-198.
  79. Li,Q., M.Osada, M.Kashihara, K.Hirohashi and A.Kijima (2000) Effect of ultraviolet irradiation on genetical inactivation and morphological structure of sperm of the Japanese scallop, Patinopecten yesoensis. Aquaculture, 186: 233-242.
  80. Li,Q., M.Osada, M.Kashihara, K.Hirohashi and A.Kijima (2000) Cytological studies on artificially induced gynogenesis in the Pacific abalone. Fisheries Science, 66:701-707.
  81. Li,Q., M.Osada, M.Kashihara, K.Hirohashi and A.Kijima (2000) Gynogenetic diploids induced by suppression of first cleavage in the Pacific oyster. Fish Genet. Breed. Sci., 29:37-48. 李琪・尾定誠・柏原勝・広橋憲・木島明博(2000)第一卵割阻止によるマガキ雌性発生2倍体の誘起.水産育種 29:37-48.
  82. 須藤篤史・永倉一徳・木島明博(2000)イワナとヤマメの一対交配による交雑魚.水産育種 29:69-80. Suto,A., K.Nagakura and A.Kijima (2000) Hybrids by pair mating between Salvelinus leucomaenis and Oncorhynchus masou. Fish.Genet. Breed. Saci., 29:69-80.
  83. 永倉一徳・須藤篤史・塚田輝夫・木島明博(2000)ヤマメとイワナの交雑魚における海水耐性および高水温耐性形質.水産育種 29:81-91.
    Nagakura,K., A.Suto, T.Tsukada and A.Kijima (2000) Salinity tolerance and high water temperature resistance in hybrids between Japanese char Salvelinus leucomaenis and masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou. Fish.Genet. Breed. Saci., 29:81-91.
  84. 三並 宏・明楽秀作・木島明博(2000)アロザイムによるアコヤガイPinctada fucata martensiの天然集団における遺伝的変異性.水産育種 29:103-111.
    Minami,H., S.Akera and A.Kijima (2000) Genetic variability and genetic distances in and among localities in the Japanese pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensi Fish.Genet. Breed. Saci., 29:103-111.
  85. Katayama,S., A.Kijima, M.Omori and A.Okata (2001) Genetic differentiation among and within local regions in the pond smelt, Hypomesus nipponensis. Tohoku J. Agri. Res., 51:61-77.
  86. 工藤飛雄馬・井ノ口伸幸・木島明博(2001)総当たり交配によるニジマスの成長における遺伝率の推定.水産増殖 49:243-251.
    Kudo,H., N.Inoguchi and A.Kijima(2001)Estimation of heritability for growth by factorial mating system in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Suisanzoshoku, 49:243-251.
  87. 工藤飛雄馬・井ノ口伸幸・木島明博(2001)総当たり交配によるニジマスの海水耐性形質における遺伝率の推定.水産増殖 49:253-260.
    Kudo,H., N.Inoguchi and A.Kijima(2001)Estimation of heritability for tolerance to sea water by factorial mating system in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Suisanzoshoku, 49:253-260.
  88. 工藤飛雄馬・井ノ口伸幸・木島明博(2001)総当たり交配によるニジマスの高水温耐性形質における遺伝率の推定.水産増殖 49:405-411.
    Kudo,H., N.Inoguchi and A.Kijima(2001)Estimation of heritability for tolerance to high water temperature by factorial mating system in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Suisanzoshoku, 49:405-411.
  89. 工藤飛雄馬・井ノ口伸幸・木島明博(2001)完全同胞によるヒメマスの成長における遺伝率の推定.水産育種 31:17-23.
    Kudo,H., N.Inoguchi and A.Kijima(2001)Estimation of heritability for growth by single pair mating system in kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Fish Genet. Breed. Sci., 31:17-23.
  90. 工藤飛雄馬・井ノ口伸幸・木島明博(2001)完全同胞によるヒメマスの海水耐性および高水温耐性における広義の遺伝率と変動指数の推定.水産育種 31:25-31.
    Kudo,H., N.Inoguchi and A.Kijima(2001)Estimation of broad sense heritability and degree of fluctuation for torelance to sea water and high water temperature by single pair mating system in kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Fish Genet. Breed. Sci., 31:25-31.
  91. Kan-no M. and A.Kijima (2001) High genetic variability of isozymes in Japanese sea cucumber Stichopus japonica. Fish Genet. Breed. Sci., 31:81-86.
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  37. 木島明博(1997)平成8年度魚取沼テツギョの遺伝学的調査報告書.--アイソザイム分析による取沼テツギョの起源--.宮城県魚取沼のテツギョ保全対策検討委員会、pp.21-39.
  38. 藤尾芳久・木島明博・池田実・菊田公男・伊藤章・菊地喜彦・佐伯光広・田口滋之(1997)第1章ヒラメの自然集団および人工種苗の遺伝的多様性評価手法の開発、平成8年度水産生物の遺伝的多様性の保存及び評価手法の開事業報告書、日本水産資源保護協会
  39. 39.木島明博(1998)平成9年度魚取沼テツギョの遺伝学的調査報告書.--アイソザイム分析による取沼テツギョの起源--.宮城県魚取沼のテツギョ保全対策検討委員会、pp..
  40. 藤尾芳久・木島明博・池田実・菊田公男・伊藤章・菊地喜彦・佐伯光広・田口滋之(1998)第1章ヒラメの自然集団および人工種苗の遺伝的多様性評価手法の開発、平成9年度水産生物の遺伝的多様性の保存及び評価手法の開事業報告書、日本水産資源保護協会
  41. 木島明博・藤尾芳久(1998)アワビ遺伝機構の解明.平成8年度新品種作出基礎技術開発事業研究成果の概要.水産庁研究部研究課、pp.486-510.
  42. Preliminary study on estimation of recessive deleterious genes related to allozyme gene in Japanese flounder, Palaichthys olivaceus. The 10th JSPS/VCC Joint Seminor on Marine and Fishery Sciences, Melacca, Malaysia, 1999 (Kijima et.al.)
  43. High genetic variability of isozymes in Japanese sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus. The 11th JSPS Joint Seminar on Marine Science, Tokyo (Manami Kan-no and A.Kijima; poster session)
  44. 木島明博(1999)平成10年度水産生物育種の効率化基礎技術の開発.「アワビ類の成長に関与する優良・有害遺伝子の把握方法の開発」農林水産技術会議事務局・水産庁養殖研究所.
  45. 木島明博(1999)平成10年度水産生物育種の効率化基礎技術の開発.「アワビ類の成長に関与する優良・有害遺伝子の把握方法の開発」農林水産技術会議事務局・水産庁養殖研究所.
  46. 木島明博(2000)平成11年度水産生物育種の効率化基礎技術の開発.「アワビ類の成長に関与する優良・有害遺伝子の把握方法の開発」農林水産技術会議事務局・水産庁養殖研究所.
  47. 木島明博(2000)平成11年度水産生物の遺伝的多様性と近親交配の解明並びに保存技術の確立事業報告書、「貝類の有用形質に発現する近交弱勢評価手法の開発」、日本水産資源保護協会
  48. 木島明博(2001)平成12年度水産生物育種の効率化基礎技術の開発.「アワビ類の成長に関与する優良・有害遺伝子の把握方法の開発」農林水産技術会議事務局・水産庁養殖研究所.
  49. 木島明博(2001)平成12年度水産生物の遺伝的多様性と近親交配の解明並びに保存技術の確立事業報告書、「貝類の有用形質に発現する近交弱勢評価手法の開発」、日本水産資源保護協会
  50. 木島明博(2002)平成13年度水産生物育種の効率化基礎技術の開発.「アワビ類の成長に関与する優良・有害遺伝子の把握方法の開発」(独)水産総合センター養殖研究所.
  51. 木島明博(2002)平成13年度水産生物の遺伝的多様性と近親交配の解明並びに保存技術の確立事業報告書、「貝類の有用形質に発現する近交弱勢評価手法の開発」、日本水産資源保護協会
  52. 木島明博(2003)平成14年度水産生物育種の効率化基礎技術の開発.「アワビ類の成長に関与する優良・有害遺伝子の把握方法の開発」(独)水産総合センター養殖研究所.
  53. 木島明博(2003)平成14年度水産生物の遺伝的多様性と近親交配の解明並びに保存技術の確立事業報告書、「貝類の有用形質に発現する近交弱勢評価手法の開発」、日本水産資源保護協会
  54. 木島明博(2003)水産生物育種の効率化基礎技術の開発.「発見!エゾアワビに劣性致死遺伝子2つ」p.24(独)水産総合センター養殖研究所.
  55. 木島明博(2003)水産生物育種の効率化基礎技術の開発.「アワビ類の成長に関与する優良・有害遺伝子の把握方法の開発」pp.370-375(独)水産総合センター養殖研究所.
