
Volume 17

Journal of Integrated Field Science (JIFS) Volume 17


The 17th International Symposium on Integrated Field Science (17th IS-IFS)
“Infectious Diseases and Field Science: From Pathogens to Environmental Microbes”

Symposium mini review
Hiroki BOCHIMOTO, Daisuke KONDOH, Yo ISHIHARA, Mohammad Hazzaz Bin KABIR and Kentaro KATO
Functional Perspective of Feeder Organelle from Three-dimensional Ultrastructural Characteristics in Cryptosporidium parvum
vol.17 pp.1-4

Panning-based Virus Receptor Screening with Cellular cDNA Library
vol.17 pp.5-7

Kentaro KATO
Protein Trafficking in Plasmodium falciparum-infected Erythrocytes
vol.17 pp.8-11

How Does Wood-inhabiting Fungal Community Affect Forest Recovery after Deforestation Events in Subalpine Coniferous Forest?
vol.17 pp.12-14

Fumi MURAKOSHI, Takaaki NAKAYA and Kentaro KATO
Detection and Epidemiological Analysis of Symbiotic Viruses from Protozoa
vol.17 pp.15-17

Shuhei MIYASHITA, Derib Alemu ABEBE, Sietske van BENTUM, Machi SUZUKI, Sugihiro ANDO and Hideki TAKAHASHI
Plant Antiviral Resistance Genes May Have Undergone Dissimilar Selection in Nature and in Crop Fields
vol.17 pp.18-21

Hironori BANDO, Yasuhiro FUKUDA, Masahiro YAMAMOTO and Kentaro KATO
Toxoplasma Gondii Effectors TgIST and TgGRA15 Differentially Target Host IDO1 to Antagonize the IFN-γ-induced Anti-T. Gondii Response in Human Cells
vol.17 pp.22-25

The 17th International Symposium on Integrated Field Science (17th IS-IFS)
Infectious Diseases and Field Science: From Pathogens to Environmental Microbes
vol.17 pp.26-27

Keynote Lecture
The Biology of Cryptosporidium Infection
vol.17 pp.28-29

Oral Sessions
Hiroki BOCHIMOTO, Daisuke KONDOH, Yo ISHIHARA, Mohammad Hazzaz Bin KABIR and Kentaro KATO
Functional Perspective of Feeder Organelle from Three-dimensional Ultrastructural Characteristics in Cryptosporidium parvum
vol.17 p.30

Identification of Virus Receptors
vol.17 p.31

Kentaro KATO, Ryo TAKANO, Hiroko KOZUKA-HATA, Daisuke KONDOH, Hiroki BOCHIMOTO and Masaaki OYAMA
Proteomic Dissection of Plasmodium falciparum Maurer’s cleft Compartments Using SBP1
vol.17 p.32

Pine (Pinus densiflora) Deadwood Act as Hotspots for Seedling Regeneration after Pine Dieback Caused by Pine Wilt Disease
vol.17 p.33

Tobias MOURIER, Denise Anete Madureira de ALVARENGA, Abhinav KAUSHIK, Anielle de PINA-COSTA, Francisco J. GUZMÁN-VEGA, Olga DOUVROPOULOU, Qingtian GUAN, Sarah FORRESTER, Filipe Vieira Santos de ABREU, Cesare Bianco JÚNIOR, Julio Cesar de SOUZA JUNIOR, Zelinda Maria Braga HIRANO, Maria de FÁTIMA FERREIRA-DA-CRUZ, Ricardo Lourenço de OLIVEIRA, Stefan T. AROLD, Daniel C. JEFFARES, Patrícia BRASIL, Cristiana Ferreira Alves de BRITO, Richard CULLETON, Cláudio Tadeu DANIEL-RIBEIRO and Arnab PAIN
The Genome of the Zoonotic Malaria Parasite Plasmodium simium Reveals Adaptions to Host-switching
vol.17 p.34

Detection and Epidemiological Analysis of Symbiotic Viruses from Protozoa Using the FLDS
(A Comprehensive dsRNA Sequencing Method)
vol.17 p.35

Shuhei MIYASHITA, Derib Alemu ABEBE, Sietske van BENTUM, Machi SUZUKI, Sugihiro ANDO and Hideki TAKAHASHI
Antiviral R Genes of Plants May Have Experienced Different “Selections” in Nature and in Crop Fields
vol.17 p.36

Hironori BANDO, Yasuhiro FUKUDA, Masahiro YAMAMOTO and Kentaro KATO
Toxoplasma Gondii Effectors TgIST and TgGRA15 Differentially Target Host IDO1 to Antagonize the IFN-γ-induced Anti-T. Gondii Response in Human Cells
vol.17 p.37

Poster Sessions
Satoko WADA, Michiru FUKASAWA, Takashi CHIBA, Tetsuro SHISHIDO, Akitsu TOZAWA and Shin-ichiro OGURA
The Influence of Stroking Way on the Establishment of Human-cattle Relationships
vol.17 p.38

Ayman Ahmed SHEHATA, Hironori BANDO, Yasuhiro FUKUDA, Mohammad Hazzaz Bin KABIR, Fumi MURAKOSHI, Megumi ITOH, Atsushi FUJIKURA, Hiroaki OKAWA, Takuto ENDO, Akira GOTO, Masayuki KACHI, Toshie NAKAYAMA, Yuto KANO, Shoko OISHI, Konosuke OTOMARU, Kei KAZAMA, Mohamed Ibrahim ESSA and Kentaro KATO
Development of a Highly Sensitive Method for the Detection of Cryptosporidium parvum Virus Type 1 (CSpV1)
vol.17 p.39

Masaya ENDO, Shuhei TAKIZAWA and Chika TADA
Development of Optimal Continuous Culture Method for Rumen Fluid Using Ferrite Particles
vol.17 p.40

Comparative Study of Bacterial Populations in the Feces of Pasture-kept and Stabled Horses and Ponies
vol.17 p.41

Muxiye and Chinatsu YONEZAWA
Change Detection Using Multi-Temporal Optical Satellite Imagery for Grassland Area in Kawatabi Filed Science Center, Tohoku University
vol.17 p.42

Matheus Pereira de ARAÚJO, Marcos José MARQUES, Raquel Lopes Martins SOUZA, Luiz Felipe Leomil COELHO, Vinícius Ferreira PATERNO, Masashi KIRINOKI, Satoru KAWAI, Áureo Almeida de OLIVEIRA, Sueleny Silva Ferreira TEIXEIRA, Florence Mara ROSA, Yuichi CHIGUSA, Megumi SATO and Marcello Otake SATO
Usefulness of Environmental DNA for Surveillance and Control of Schistosomiasis: Detection and Tracking Schistosoma mansoni and Its Intermediate Host Biomphalaria glabrata in Low Endemic Areas of Minas Gerais, Brazil
vol.17 p.43

Masaya SAITO, Chinatsu YONEZAWA, Toshinori MATSUNAMI, Tsutomu KANNO and Hiroshi UCHINO
Evaluation of Drainage Performance by Reduction of Excess Soil Moisture on Corn Fields Converted from Rice Paddy Using Satellite Remote Sensing
vol.17 p.44

Mengjia FENG, Shuhei TAKIZAWA, Yasuhiro FUKUDA and Chika TADA
Characterizing the Key Factors in Potential Suppressive Anaerobic Digester Effluent on Bacterial Wilt Disease (Ralstonia solanacearum)
vol.17 p.45

Economic Evaluation of Full-Head Test for Enzootic Bovine Leukosis in Japan
vol.17 p.46

Riku SAKURAI, Yasuhiro FUKUDA and Chika TADA
Promoting Methane Gasification in Anaerobic Scum Degradation Using Microbial Community Adapted to Scum
vol.17 p.47

Wataru KOGA, Aya SUZUKI, Kazuhiko MASAKA and Kenji SEIWA
Conspecific Distance-dependent Seedling Performance and Replacement of Conspecific- by Heterospecific Seedlings in Five Hardwood Species in a Temperate Forest
vol.17 p.48

Qianrige, Sangun ROH, Dahe KIM, Tetsuro SHISHIDO and Shin-ichiro OGURA
Effect of Rumen Fermentation Characteristics on Stress-related Hormone Concentration and Behavior of Sheep
vol.17 p.49

Hirohiko KUME, Hidetoshi KAKIHARA, Tetsuro SHISHIDO, Michiru FUKASAWA and Shin-ichiro OGURA
Estimation of the Contribution of Salt-block Feeding to Mineral Intake of Cattle Under Grazing and Indoor
vol.17 p.50

Temitope JEJE, Hironori BANDO, Yasuhiro FUKUDA, Oluwafemi IBUKUN and Kentaro KATO
A Multifaceted Analyses of the Effects of Medicinal Plant Phyllanthus ninuri on the Improvement of Severe Malaria
vol.17 p.51

List of scientific papers in 2019 published by field science group in Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
vol.17 pp.52-56


full text of JIFS vol.17