
Volume 8

Journal of Integrated Field Science (JIFS) Volume 8



The 8th International Symposium on Integrated Field Science (8th IS-IFS)
“Advanced Studies on Sustainable Animal Production: Interrelationships among Human, Animal and Environment”


Symposium Paper
Lyudmyla BESPYATKO, Kiyotaka SAGA, Takashi YANAGIDA, Win AUNG, Shinji FUJIMOTO and Tomoaki MINOWA
Introduction of Biomass Accounting as an Evaluation Tool of Biomass Utilization Systems: a Case Study on Domestic Animal Waste Treatment-Oriented Biomass Activities
vol.8 pp.1-6


Forage Production, Utilization and Environmental Conservation in Sweden
vol.8 pp.7-12


Osamu ICHIHASHI, Chika TADA and Yutaka NAKAI
Power Generation from Animal Wastewater Using Microbial Fuel Cell
vol.8 pp.13-20


Beneficial Effects of Environmental Enrichment and Human Contact with Animals
vol.8 pp.21-24


Shin-ichiro OGURA
Diet Selection and Foraging Behavior of Cattle on Species-rich, Japanese Native Grasslands
vol.8 pp.25-33


Tetsuya SEO
On-Farm Assessment of Animal Welfare in Japanese Dairy Cattle
vol.8 pp.35-40


Chika TADA, Naofumi IKEDA, Satoshi NAKAMURA, Ryu OISHI, Junki CHIGIRA, Tokuo YANO, Kazunori NAKANO and Yutaka NAKAI
Animal Wastewater Treatment Using Constructed Wetland
vol.8 pp.41-47


Hideharu TSUKADA
Effect of Grazing on Habitat and Behavior of Wild Mammals
vol.8 pp.49-54


Nozomi YAMAMOTO, Chika TADA and Yutaka NAKAI
Archaeal Community during Cattle Manure Composting Process in Field-scale Facility
vol.8 pp.55-59


Yingnan YANG, Zhenya ZHANG, Rui ZHAO and Norio SUGIURA
Development of a High-Efficiency Methane Fermentation Process for Hardly Degradable Rice Straw
vol.8 pp.61-71


How Does Differential Timing of Grazing Affect Plant Species Diversity in Improved and Semi-Natural Pastures?
vol.8 pp.73-77


List of scientific papers in 2010 published by field science group in Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
vol.8 pp.79-85


vol.8 pp.87-91


Oral Session
Environmental Enrichment and Human Contact with Animal
vol.8 p.95


Hwang LEE
The Investigation of Slaughter House about the Welfare of Pig and Broiler in Korea
vol.8 p.96


Tetsuya SEO
The On-farm Assessment of Animal Welfare in Dairy Cattle
vol.8 p.97


Genes, Neurons, and Circuits Underlying the Reproductive Behavior in Drosophila
vol.8 p.98


The Role of Oxytocin in Animal Behaviors and Welfare
vol.8 p.99


Shin-ichiro OGURA
Diet Selection and Foraging Behavior of Cattle in Species-rich Vegetation
vol.8 p.100


Conservation Management of Livestock Grazing and Wildlife in Mongolian Grassland
vol.8 p.101


Predicting Plant Species Diversity and Changes in Productivity Due to Simulated Effects of Cattle Disturbances in Japanese Grasslands
vol.8 p.102


Hideharu TSUKADA
Effect of Grazing on Habitat and Behavior of Wild Mammals
vol.8 p.103


Halling MAGNUS
Forage Production, Utilization and Environmental Conservation in Sweden
vol.8 p.104


Chika TADA
Animal Wastewater Treatment Using Constructed Wetlands
vol.8 p.105


Lyudmyla BESPYATKO, Kiyotaka SAGA, Takashi YANAGIDA, Win AUNG, Shinji FUJIMOTO and Tomoaki MINOWA
Introduction of Biomass Accounting as an Evaluation Tool of Biomass Utilization Systems: a Case Study of Domestic Animal Waste Treatment-Oriented Biomass Town
vol.8 p.106


Power Generation from Animal Wastewater Using a Single-chamber Microbial Fuel Cell
vol.8 p.107


Archaeal Community during Cattle Manure Composting Process in Field-scale Facility
vol.8 p.108


Yingnan YANG, Rui ZHAO, Zhenya ZHANG and Norio SUGIURA
Development of a New Fermentation Process for Hardly Degradable Rice Straw Agriculture Waste
vol.8 p.109


Poster Session
Chiaki AKASAKA, Shigeru NINOMIYA and Shusuke SATO
The Effect of Brushing by a Human on Behavioral and Physiological Stress Indicators of Cows
vol.8 p.113


Akane KITAGAWA, Chiaki AKASAKA, Shigeru NINOMIYA and Shusuke SATO
The validity of Salivary-amylase as Stress Marker of Cattle
vol.8 p.114


Overall Animal Welfare Assessment of Dairy Cattle at the Farm Level Using the Shinshu Comfort Livestock Farm Certification Standard
vol.8 p.115


Ai OHARA, Mitsuhiro TANIMURA and Shusuke SATO
The Effect of Environmental Enrichment on Welfare and Productivity in Homebred Strain “Tatsuno” (Chicken for Meat)
vol.8 p.116


Chisako OYAKAWA, Kazuya SATO and Shusuke SATO
Is the Dairy Cow Performing to Bite Grasses Comfortable in Grazing?
vol.8 p.117


Ken-ichi TAKEDA and Nori KAWASE
Does Housing Conditions Affect the Flight Distance of Dairy Cows?
vol.8 p.118


Kaoru KAKINUMA, Takehiro SASAKI, Tomoo OKAYASU, Undarmaa JAMSRAN, Toshiya OHKURO and Kazuhiko TAKEUCHI
The Linkage Between Pastoralists’ Perspectives and Vegetation Threshold Changes in Mongolian Rangelands
vol.8 p.119


Akihisa YAMADA, Michiharu KAWANO and Yoshito YAMAMOTO
Recovery of Pleioblastus variegatus from Flowering in the Aso Region -Results of the 17th Year-
vol.8 p.120


Effect of Disturbance Size on Similarity and Resilience of Vegetation to the Disturbance
vol.8 p.121


Hajime TOMIMATSU, Misa YOKOYAMA and Shin-ichiro OGURA
Quantification of Bite Size, Bite Rate and Intake Rate in Cattle Foraging Japanese Native Grasses
vol.8 p.122


Misa YOKOYAMA, Masatoshi HORI and Shin-ichiro OGURA
Do Cattle Choose Preferred Plant Species Without Visual Sense?
vol.8 p.123


Kumi KIMURA, Takuro KOBAYASHI, Yu-You LI and Yutaka NAKAI
Analysis of Bioconversion and Bacterial Community of Thermophilic Hydrogen Production Using UASB Reactor
vol.8 p.124


Yasunori BABA, Ryoya WATANABE, Chika TADA and Yutaka NAKAI
Methane Fermentation from Waste Glycerol and Sludge ~Approach on Miyagi Prefecture 3 R New Technical Research Development Project~
vol.8 p.125


Ryoya WATANABE, Yasunori BABA, Chika TADA and Yutaka NAKAI
Methane Fermentation Using Waste Glycerol Produced from Biodiesel Fuel
vol.8 p.126


Rintato SATO, Fumi MURAKOSHI, Yasuhiro FUKUDA and Yutaka NAKAI
Prevalence and Distribution of Bovine Coccidia in the Northern Area of Miyagi Prefecture
vol.8 p.127


Eri ITO, Saori KIRIAKEHATA, Asaki KATO, Wako UEMURA, Shigekazu TANI, Yoshichika KITAGAWA and Daisuke TANAKA
Cattle Is Possible Host Animal of The Land Leech
vol.8 p.128


Daisuke KUNII and Kazuo MOROZUMI
Availability of Forest Resources as Firewood for Preservation of Regional Environment
vol.8 p.129


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