
Volume 6

Journal of Integrated Field Science (JIFS) Volume 6



The 6th International Symposium on Integrated Field Science (6th IS-IFS)
“Understanding for each and integrated ecosystem using remote sensing”


Original Paper
Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA and Mitsunori ISHIHARA
Satellite Ecology, an Attempt to Link Remote Sensing with Ecology for River Basin Studies
vol.6 pp.1-7


Nobuyuki ABE and Kazuaki IIDA
Estimation of Carbon Stock in Even-aged Sugi Forests Using Satellite Image Data
vol.6 pp.9-13


Teruhisa SHIMADA and Hiroshi KAWAMURA
Comparison of Wind and Wave Fields between High-Resolution Simulations and Operational Forecast Products: A Case of Wave Development under Easterly Wind Jets in the West of the Tsugaru Strait
vol.6 pp.15-22


Possibility of Monitoring of Waste Disposal Site Using Satellite Imagery
vol.6 pp.23-28


Investigation of Possibility Using PALSAR to Monitor Changes in Rice Paddy Fields
vol.6 pp.29-36


Lilik Budi Prasetyo, Harijadi Kartodihardjo, Suryo Adiwibowo, Beni Okarda and Yudi Setiawan
Spatial Model Approach on Deforestation of Java Island, Indonesia
vol.6 pp.37-44


ZHANG Wei, WANG Kun, FENG Yufeng, LU Jianqin, WANG Jing, SI Yahui and XUE Cunfang
Grassland Degradation and Recovery Based on Remote Sensing and GIS in Inner Mongolia
vol.6 pp.45-51


Understanding of Planted Crops Using AVNIR-2 Data
vol.6 pp.53-58


Daisuke KUNII and Genya SAITO
Relationships between Land Use and River Nutrient in the River Basins of Kitakami River and Ishikari River Using Remote Sensing and GIS
vol.6 pp.59-70


Michiaki OMURA and Hisashi BANNAI
Current State of Multipurpose Co-operatives in Japan, Revealed by an Attitude Survey of Rural Inhabitants
vol.6 pp.71-85


Masami NANZYO, Tadashi TAKAHASHI and Hitoshi KANNO
Use of Soil Database for Pedological Research as Exemplified by Volcanic Ash Soils
vol.6 pp.87-99


Hironori HEINAI, Toyoaki ITO and Keisuke MINAMIDE
Ammonia Emission and Carbon and Nitrogen Balances during Acidulocomposting of Garbage
vol.6 pp.101-107


Toyoaki ITO, Tsuyoshi YOKOTA and Masahiko SAIGUSA
Measurement of Organic Phosphorus Mineralization in Non-Allophanic Andosols Using Anion Exchange Resin
vol.6 pp.109-115


List of scientific papers in 2008 published by field science group in Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University
vol.6 pp.117-123


vol.6 pp.125-127


Oral Session
Fusion of Field Science and Remote Sensing“How to establish strategic approach for global environment science?”
vol.6 p.128


Christopher D. ELVIDGE, Ph.D.
View of Humanity from Space
vol.6 p.129


L. B. Prasetyo, H. Kartodihardjo, S. Adiwibowo and B. Okarda
Cause and Prediction of Deforestation in Java Island: Spatial Modeling Approach
vol.6 p.130


Zhang WEI and Wang KUN
Grassland Degradation and Recovery Based on Remote Sensing and GIS in Inner Mongolia
vol.6 p.131


Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA
Satellite Ecology, an Attempt for Linking Remote Sensing and Ecology for River Basin Studies
vol.6 p.132


Integration of Airborne Technologies and Fusion of Multisensor Data to Enhance the Remote Sensing of Forested Environments
vol.6 p.133


Naoko KOSAKA, Kuniaki UTO, Yukio KOSUGI, Kunio ODA and Genya SAITO
Agricultural Field Observation Using Hyperspectral Sensor in Syonai
vol.6 p.134


Yukio KOSUGI, Desjardins GUILLAUME, Yuji TAKABAYASHI, Sildomar T. MONTEIRO, Makoto YAMAKI, Kuniaki UTO and Genya SAITO
Low-Altitude Hyperspectral Imaging of Naruko Integrated Field for the Interpretation of High-Altitude Observations
vol.6 pp.135-136


Yasushi YAMAGUCHI and Hemu Kharel Kafle
Estimation of Regional Evapotranspiration by ASTER
vol.6 p.137


Shigeo OGAWA, Hiroshi YOSHISAKO and Takeo SHIMA
Detection of Land Use Changes in Tsukuba City Area Using Satellite Data and GIS Data
vol.6 p.138


Motoyuki SATO
Polarimetric SAR Approaches to Integrated Field Sciences
vol.6 pp.139-140


Soil Moisture Estimation by PALSAR in Sendai
vol.6 p.141


Masayoshi MATSUMOTO and Motoyuki SATO
Observation of Double Bounce Scattering from Trees by GB-SAR
vol.6 p.142


Application of PALSAR Data for Agricultural Managements
vol.6 pp.143-144


Tsutomu YAMANOKUCHI, Nobuhiro TOMIYAMA and Makoto ONO
Application of ALOS Data for Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) at Bhutan
vol.6 p.145


Inventory and Monitoring of Waste Disposal by ALOS and Quickbird Imagery
vol.6 p.146


Understanding of Planted Crops Using AVNIR-2 Data
vol.6 p.147


Agricultural Monitoring Using ALOS Data
vol.6 p.148


Takuhiko MURAKAMI, Tetsuji OHTA, Tsuyoshi KAJISA, Nobuya MIZOE and Shigejiro YOSHIDA
Non-Reforestation Area Project in Kyushu Island, Japan: Role of Multi-Temporal LANDSAT/TM Data
vol.6 p.149


Masato KATOH
Forest Observation from High Spatial Resolution Image
vol.6 p.150


Nobuyuki ABE and Kazuaki IIDA
Estimation of Carbon Stock in Even-aged Sugi Forests Using Satellite Image Data
vol.6 p.151


Haruo SAWADA and Yoshito SAWADA
Annual Changes of Growth Condition of Forests in Russia
vol.6 p.152


Satoshi UCHIDA
Recent Expansion of Paddy Field Area in the Heilongjiang Province of China Detected by Using Remote Sensing Data
vol.6 p.153


Daisuke KUNII and Genya SAITO
Analysis for Relationship between the Land Use of the Watersheds and the Marine Nutrients in the Rivers using Remote Sensing and GIS
vol.6 p.154


Mitsuhiro TORATANI, Hiroshi KOBAYASHI, Satsuki MATSUMURA, Absonsuda Siripong, Thaithaworn Lerdwithayaprasith and Pachoenchoke Jintasaeranee
Annual and Seasonal Variability of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Upper Gulf of Thailand
vol.6 p.155


Sei-Ichi SAITOH and Fumihiro TAKAHASHI
Operational Fisheries Oceanography Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Marine-GIS for Sustainable Fisheries
vol.6 p.156


New Generation Sea Surface Temperature
vol.6 p.157


Teruhisa SHIMADA
Ocean Surface Winds and Wind Waves in the Voastal Zone Using High-Resolution Satellite Observations
vol.6 p.158


High-Resolution Satellite Oceanography for Monitoring the Tohoku Coastal Seas
vol.6 p.159


Christopher D. ELVIDGE, Ph.D.
Advances in DMSP Products, Services, and Findings
vol. p.160


Sei-Ichi SAITOH, Nanami KUMAGAI and Hideaki TADOKORO
Prediction of Japanese Common Squid (Todarodes pacifi cus) Potential Fishing Grounds Using GAM and GLM with Satellite Remote Sensing Data in the Japan Sea
vol.6 p.161


Masanao HARA, Shuhei OKADA and Hiroshi YAGI
Presumption of Carbon-Dioxide Emissions by Nighttime Lights Observed by DMSP/OLS -Presumption of Carbon-Dioxide Emissions Change in East Asian Region-
vol.6 p.162


full text of JIFS vol.6