Volume 5
Journal of Integrated Field Science (JIFS) Volume 5
The 5th International Symposium on Integrated Field Science (5th IS-IFS)
“Sustainable Yield Population Conservation for Marine Organisms from the Point of View of Genetic Resources”
Special review
Jose M. CANO, Takahito SHIKANO, Anna KUPARINEN and Juna MERILA
Genetic differentiation, effective population size and gene flow in marine fishes: implications for stock management
vol.5 pp.1-10
Masashi SEKINO
The resource status of Kumamoto oyster (Crassostrea sikamea)
vol.5 pp.11-12
Original paper
Oki SANO, Toyoaki ITO and Masahiko SAIGUSA
Relationship between the content of expansible 2:1 type clay minerals in paddy soils and the amount of ammonium nitrogen in the ponding water by a laboratory experiment
vol.5 pp.13-16
Oki SANO, Toyoaki ITO and Masahiko SAIGUSA
Effects of available nitrogen and ammonium adsorption of plow layer on nitrogen uptake and yield of paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.)
vol.5 pp.17-27
Ayumi FUKUO, Tsuyoshi AKIYAMA, Wenhong MO, Kensuke KAWAMURA, Zuozhong CHEN and Genya SAITO
Spectral detection of grazing degradation in the Xilingol Steppe, Inner Mongolia
vol.5 pp.29-40
Masami NANZYO, Toyoaki ITO, Tadashi TAKAHASHI and Hitoshi KANNO
Metal complexation of humus and horizon differentiation in Andisols and Spodosols
vol.5 pp.41-49
vol.5 p.57
Open Remarks
Akihiro KIJIMA
Opening remarks (Sustainable Yield and Population Conservation for Marine Organisms from the Point of View of Genetic Resources, International Workshop in Faculty of Agricultural Science and Field Science Center in Tohoku University 2008)
vol.5 p.58
Oral Session
Significance of intensive and extensive genetic analyses of natural populations in evolution and conservation
vol.5 p.59
Conservation of adaptive genetic diversity: insights & challenges
vol.5 p.60
Population genetic study on the clam Coelomactra antiquata along the coast of China
vol.5 p.61
Masashi SEKINO
Kumamoto oyster (Crassostrea sikamea) is abundant in its native habitat, the northern Ariake Sea, Kyushu
vol.5 p.62
Motoyuki HARA
Stock impact of exogenous hatchery-produced abalone in Japan
vol.5 p.63
Minoru IKEDA
Population genetic study of spiny king crab (Paralithodes brevipes) : relationship between ocean current and patterns of stock structure
vol.5 p.64
Minami KANNO
Population genetic studies on echinoderms: population identification and stock management in Japan
vol.5 p.65
Molecular-based ecological approaches for understanding migratory ecology of the freshwater eels
vol.5 p.66
Introduction of New Project
Yutaka NAKAI
Project of Integrated Compost Science (PICS)
vol.5 pp.67-72