
小倉振一郎・佐藤衆介・田中繁史・清水俊郎・小寺 文(2016)
日本草地学会誌 61(4),213-223.

日本草地学会誌 62(2), 70-74

東北畜産学会報 66(1), 23-32

システム農学 32(3), 95-102.


2. 紀要など (審査のない研究論文)


3. 総説

日本草地学会誌62(2), 87-90

日本草地学会誌 62(1), 33-37

栄養生理研究会報 60(1), 45-51


4. 国際学会

Effect of environmental enrichment on pituitary gland hormones and behavior of cattle.
Chen S, Ogura S, Sato S (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 10?11. 27 November, Sendai, Japan. (Invited)

Application of a wearable camera to analyze ingestive behavior of grazing cattle.
Futahashi R, Yayota M, Hatakeyama N, Shishido T, Ogura S (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 21. 27 November, Sendai, Japan.

Foraging behavior of cattle in a diverse, mountainous grazing land: Bite size estimation of plants by hand-plucking method.
Hatakeyama N, Futahashi R, Shishido T, Ogura S (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 22. 27 November, Sendai, Japan.

Seasonal changes in forage and animal productivity of Korean native goats grazed at different forage type.
Jang SY, Ogura S, Kawamura K, Yayota M, Yun YS, Seong HJ, Moon SH, Jeon BT (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 6. 27 November, Sendai, Japan. (Invited)

Spatial heterogeneity in grazing pasture from small unmanned aerial vehicle (sUAV) with structure from motion (SfM) photogrammetry.
Kawamura K, Lim JH, Yayota M, Ogura S, Jang SY, Moon SH (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 12. 27 November, Sendai, Japan. (Invited)

Hyperspectral assessment for legume contents and forage nutrient status in pasture.
Lim JH, Kawamura K, Yoshitoshi R, Yayota M, Ogura S (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 13. 27 November, Sendai, Japan. (Invited)

Nutritional characteristics of forbs and tree leaves and their contribution to animal production in species-rich vegetation.
Ogura S, Mizuno H, Takamizawa S, Yayota M, Kawamura K (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 5. 27 November, Sendai, Japan. (Invited)

Diet composition and nutrient uptake of cattle in a pasture-forest combining grazing area of northeast Japan.
Takamizawa S, Shishido T, Ogura S (2016)
Proceedings of 10th International Rangeland Congress, pp. 1171-1173. 17-22 July, Saskatoon, Canada.

Effect of native grasses, forbs and trees on nutrient uptake of grazing cattle in a temperate region of Japan.
Takamizawa S, Shishido T, Ogura S (2016)
Proceedings of 10th International Rangeland Congress, pp. 1174-1176. 17-22 July, Saskatoon, Canada.

Effect of plant diversity on ruminal degradability of goats grazing in a semi-natural pasture.
Tamiya S, Doi K, Nakajima N, Ogura S, Yayota M (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 19. 27 November, Sendai, Japan.

Does species richness of diet affect ruminal digestion characteristics of plants? -A preliminary study.
Takamizawa S, Shishido T, Ogura S (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 20. 27 November, Sendai, Japan.

The use of artificial grass to attract wild sika deer.
Tozawa A, Takeda K (2016)
Proceedings of the 50th Congress of the International Society fo rApplied Ethology, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, pp. 237. 12-15 July, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Contribution of rearing at pasture on improvement of animal welfare in fattening pigs.
Tozawa A (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 9. 27 November, Sendai, Japan.

Aerial measurement of radiation dose distribution on grassland area in Kawatabi Field Science Center.
Yonezawa C, Ogura S, Saito M (2016)
Journal of Integrated Field Science 13, p45 (Abstract of the 13th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science), 9 March, Sendai, Japan.

Monitoring temporal vegetation changes on ungrazed grassland by satellite and paramotor remote sensing.
Yonezawa C, Ogura S, Saito M (2016)
Abstract of the 14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, Sendai, Japan, pp. 24. 27 November, Sendai, Japan.



5. 著書


6. 啓蒙誌(雑誌,書評,記事など)

養豚の友.2016年11月号.日本畜産振興会, 13-15.


7. 報告書,その他


8. 学会発表
川村健介・小倉振一郎・八代田真人・Lim Jihyun・Jang Se-Young・Moon Sang-Ho(2016)
日本草地学会誌62(別)pp. 103. 日本草地学会金沢大会2016年3月,野々市市.

小倉振一郎・八代田真人・川村健介・Jang Se-Young・Lim Jihyun・Park Jae-Hyun・Moon Sang-Ho(2016)
日本草地学会誌62(別)pp. 104. 日本草地学会金沢大会2016年3月,野々市市.

宍戸 哲郎・佐藤 衆介・小倉振一郎(2016)
日本草地学会誌62(別)pp. 95. 日本草地学会金沢大会2016年3月,野々市市.

高見澤 真太・宍戸 哲郎・小倉振一郎(2016)
日本草地学会誌62(別)pp. 47. 日本草地学会金沢大会2016年3月,野々市市.

高見澤 真太・宍戸 哲郎・小倉振一郎(2016)
日本草地学会誌62(別)pp. 98. 日本草地学会金沢大会2016年3月,野々市市.

家畜栄養生理研究会平成28年度春季集談会(武蔵野市) 2016年3月.

Welfare QualityRプロトコルによるウェルフェア評価が異なる農場の肥育豚のコルチゾールおよび免疫グロブリンIgAの比較.
戸澤あきつ・佐藤 衆介(2016)
東北畜産学会報66(2)pp. 34. 東北畜産学会岩手大会2016年9月,盛岡市.

八代田真人・小倉振一郎・川村健介・土井和也・Jang Se-Young・Moon Sang-Ho(2016)
日本草地学会誌62(別)pp. 101. 日本草地学会金沢大会2016年3月,野々市市.




The Best Presentation Award of the14th International Symposium of Integrated Field Science, November, Sendai, Japan.
Does species richness of diet affect ruminal digestion characteristics of plants? -A preliminary study.
Takamizawa S, Shishido T, Ogura S (2016)